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Railway Systems

The Railway Systems research unit is an interdisciplinary research group specifically focused on the railway sector. The principal activity of the area is the development of models and advanced applications for the system optimization: - traffic planning and operation - ecodriving - signalling systems and transport capacity design - power supply systems - mechanical design and dynamic simulation of overhead contact lines - exchange protocols, communications and on-board embedded digital systems - composite materials and adhesive bonding - RAMS and safety analysis and quality control. The rapid expansion and modernization of railway technology requires a capacity to rapidly update the research techniques applied: simulation, optimization, numerical modeling, data analysis, control, digitalization and artificial intelligence. The Rail Systems research unit applies these techniques to research projects in collaboration with railway administrations and industry with financial support from both the public and private sectors. The area’s research work is complemented by the academic training given in the University’s Master’s Degree in Rail Systems in collaboration with the leading companies in the sector.

Research topics

  • Composite materials and adhesive bonding
  • Data modelling and exchange protocols. Remote control
  • Design of signalling and transport capacity
  • Embedded digital systems
  • Energy efficient timetabling and Ecodriving
  • Mechanical design of overhead contact lines
  • On-board digital communications
  • Railway cybersecurity
  • Railway power supply systems
  • Railway traffic planning and regulation systems
  • Safety analysis, RAMS, quality control and assurance