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Development of simulation tools for the Iberian gas and electricity markets

We will work with one of the big companies in the energy sector, in the context of the analysis and modeling of natural gas and electricity markets. You will be integrated into a large team of researchers with whom you will have to interact and develop tools for modeling energy systems, price prediction, optimization, etc.

Category: Doctor Researcher

Requirements: Doctorate in Engineering. Spanish language proficiency and good level of English. Knowledge of the electrical and gas sector, Machine Learning and Big Data techniques, as well as programming with Visual Basic, Matlab, R and GAMS will be valued.

Type of contract: Full-time contract with exclusive dedication to research projects. Maximum duration of two years, reviewable after first year. Gross annual amount of €32,750.28 for the year 2019. Additionally, you will have access to all the services offered by the University (Sports, Cultural Activities, Library, etc.).

Documents: Curriculum Vitae, cover letter and two letters of recommendation.