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Development of models and tools for geospatial energy planning (clean-cooking)

Work with senior researchers of the IIT in  projects for international institutions and companies / governments of developing countries, in a university, multidisciplinary and international R+D environment.

The tasks will have a significant SW development load especially in the initial stages, and also advanced modeling and optimization. This will allow the completion of a PhD program and/or work for international institutions or companies in the energy planning sector.


The candidate must hold a master's degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or Mathematics. It is critical to be an expert programmer in C++ and/or Matlab, while previous knowledge of energy topics will be valued. High levels in Spanish and English languages are required, both spoken and written, as well as a good academic record and ease of teamwork.


What do we offer?

Full-time annual contract for the development of the projects. In addition, training activities may be carried out. This modality allows the pre-doctoral researcher to establish a very close professional relationship with the companies with which he/she collaborates, thus nourishing his/her research with the experience accumulated while carrying out the projects. Initially, this modality does not necessarily imply that the pre-doctoral researcher joins a PhD programme directly. Admission to a PhD programme can be applied for during the first two years.  The predoctoral researcher is recruited each year for a maximum period of six years. The contract of a pre-doctoral researcher who is not enrolled in a PhD programme cannot exceed two years. The gross salary for the first year is € 25896 for the year 2023. Additionally, the IIT covers 90% of the fees for training activities and you will have access to all services offered by the University (Sports, Cultural Activities, Library, etc.).



Currículum vitae, expediente académico, carta de motivación y cartas de presentación.