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Strategies of data-driven maintenance of overhead cable lines and power substations in railways

The main goal of this research is to define the strategies for data-driven maintenance for the main components of overhead cable lines and power substations in railways. These strategies will be based on the identification of possible failure modes in these components, how to diagnose their causes, and what the recommendations could be from a maintenance point of view to prevent or mitigate the effect of these failure modes. In this research, different algorithms based on data will be considered to alert of any abnormal behavior observed and assess the health conditions of components to propose a data-driven maintenance approach. Part of this research will consider the use of both reliability engineering and machine learning algorithms to reach the objectives of this investigation.


Python programming language. Knowledge of reliability engineering and industrial maintenance concepts will be valued favorably.

What do we offer?

This modality allows the Research Assistant to establish a very close professional relationship with the companies with which he/she collaborates, thus nourishing his/her research with the experience accumulated during the projects.
Although this modality does not necessarily require to enroll in any program, the Research Assistant can apply for a PhD during the first two years.
The Research Assistant is hired each year for a maximum period of 6. If he or she is not enrolled in a PhD program the contract cannot exceed two years.
The gross salary for the first year is € 30,555.87 for the year 2024. In addition, the IIT covers 90% of the cost of training activities and the Research Assistant can enjoy all the advantages offered to Comillas students (Sports, Cultural Activities, Library, etc.).


Curriculum vitae, academic record cover letter and two recommendation letters.
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