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Assessing the development of the production and consumption of renewable hydrogen derivatives

Renewable hydrogen is bound to become a key energy vector to achieve climate neutrality, enabling the reduction of emissions in hard-to-abate sectors such as industry and heavy-duty transport. Due to the existing technical and economic challenges associated with the transport and direct use of hydrogen in many of these applications, hydrogen derivatives are playing an essential role in the short- and medium-term development of the sector. These derivatives include green ammonia, green methanol, and synthetic fuels.

In this position, we seek a candidate to conduct research analyzing the development of the production and consumption of hydrogen derivatives from a multidisciplinary perspective. The selected candidate will be expected to consider technical, economic, and regulatory aspects, assessed through quantitative optimization and/or simulation techniques under various scenarios. This analysis will encompass factors such as the potential evolution of sector-specific demand, international trade flows of derivatives, the impact of incentives and regulatory obligations, existing economies of scale, and more.

The selected candidate will not only join the IIT but will also become part of the team at the Centre for Low-Carbon Hydrogen Studies, contributing to its research and dissemination activities.


The candidate must hold a master's degree in engineering and have a strong academic record. Candidates with other degrees may also be considered, provided they have a solid technical and quantitative background.

Particular consideration will be given to knowledge of the energy sector, hydrogen, and renewable gases, as well as programming skills in Matlab, R, Python, Visual Basic, and GAMS.

A high level of spoken and written Spanish and English is essential.

Recent university graduates, as well as professionals looking to shift their career path, are encouraged to apply.

Strong teamwork skills are required.

What do we offer?

This position will enable the predoctoral researcher to establish a close professional relationship with leading companies and institutions, thereby enriching his/her research with the practical experience gained through cooperative projects.

Initially, this arrangement does not necessarily require the predoctoral researcher to enroll directly in a Doctoral program. Admission to a Doctoral program can be requested within the first two years.

The predoctoral researcher is hired on a yearly basis for a maximum period of six years. However, if the researcher is not enrolled in a Doctoral program, the contract cannot exceed two years.

The gross salary for the first year is approximately €31.472,55 (2025). Additionally, the IIT covers 90% of the fees for training activities, and the researcher will have access to all university services, including sports, cultural activities, and the library.


Curriculum vitae, academic record, cover letter, and two recommendation letters.
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