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Techno-economic assessment and analysis of local markets for system services

This activity focuses on conducting a comprehensive techno-economic assessment and analysis of local markets dedicated to system services. The assessment will consider various factors such as costs, benefits, scalability, and replicability potential. The thesis will evaluate the potential for scaling up and replicating different solutions, examining the expected outcomes if the proposed solutions were to be implemented elsewhere or on a larger scale. The proposed approach will consist of two main steps: i. Simulation-based technical analysis: building upon tested use cases. ii. Qualitative analysis of non-technical boundary conditions that may influence the potential for replication. These boundary conditions may include regulatory issues, constraints related to business models, and the perspectives of key stakeholders. The analysis of success metrics, following the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) framework, will provide insights into both technical and non-technical outcomes.


José María de Marcos López-Baissón

Offered in

  • Máster en Ingeniería Industrial (electrotécnico) - (MII-E)