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D. Miguel Córdoba Ocaña

Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Association date:
RF4. 1.15


Miguel Córdoba Ocaña is an Industrial Engineer specialized in electrical systems. He completed his studies at the ETSI-ICAI of Universidad Pontificia Comillas, where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree (GITI) and a Master's degree (MII) in 2022 and 2024, respectively.

In 2023, he received a scholarship at IIT to specialize in the study of small-signal stability in electrical systems, followed by an internship at the French TSO RTE during the final year of his studies. During this internship, he conducted his Master's Thesis (TFM), focusing on the proposal of tuning requirements for the PSS of synchronous generators across France. This work earned him third place in the “3-Minute Thesis Challenge” organized by the Spanish chapter of the IEEE PES.

Today, Miguel is fluent in four languages: Spanish, French, English, and German. His research interests and experience encompass grid frequency control, grid stability, as well as new services to maintain it.

Fellowships and Awards

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