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D. Álvaro García Cerezo
Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Area:
Energy Systems Models
Membership dates:
03/jul/2023 - 22/Sep/2023
Journal Publications
García-Cerezo, A., Garcia-Bertrand, R., Baringo, L.,
Computational performance enhancement strategies for risk-averse two-stage stochastic generation and transmission network expansion planning
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 39, nº. 1, pp. 273 - 286, January 2024. [Online: January 2023]
JCR: 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,827 Q1 (2023)
García-Cerezo, A., Baringo, L., Garcia-Bertrand, R.,
Expansion planning of the transmission network with high penetration of renewable generation: a multi-year two-stage adaptive robust optimization approach
Applied Energy
. Vol. 349, pp. 121653-1 - 121653-22, November 2023. [Online: August 2023]
JCR: 10,100 Q1 (2023); - SJR: 2,820 Q1 (2023);
García-Cerezo, A., Garcia-Bertrand, R., Baringo, L.,
Acceleration techniques for adaptive robust optimization transmission network expansion planning problems
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
. Vol. 148, pp. 108985-1 - 108985-16, June 2023. [Online: February 2023]
JCR: 5,000 Q1 (2023); - SJR: 1,711 Q1 (2023);
García-Cerezo, A., Garcia-Bertrand, R., Baringo, L.,
Priority chronological time-period clustering for generation and transmission expansion planning problems with long-term dynamics
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 37, nº. 6, pp. 4325 - 4339, November 2022. [Online: February 2022]
JCR: 6,600 Q1 (2022); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,726 Q1 (2022); 3,827 Q1 (2023)
García-Cerezo, A., Garcia-Bertrand, R., Baringo, L.,
Enhanced representative time periods for transmission expansion planning problems
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 36, nº. 4, pp. 3802 - 3805, July 2021. [Online: March 2021]
JCR: 7,326 Q1 (2021); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 4,638 Q1 (2021); 3,827 Q1 (2023)
García-Cerezo, A., Baringo, L., Garcia-Bertrand, R.,
Robust transmission network expansion planning considering non-convex operational constraints
Energy Economics
. Vol. 98, pp. 105246-1 - 105246-14, June 2021. [Online: March 2021]
JCR: 9,252 Q1 (2021); 13,600 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 2,549 Q1 (2021); 3,555 Q1 (2023)
García-Cerezo, A., Baringo, L., Garcia-Bertrand, R.,
Representative days for expansion decisions in power systems
. Vol. 13, nº. 2, pp. 335-1 - 335-18, January 2020. [Online: January 2020]
JCR: 3,004 Q3 (2020); 3,000 Q3 (2023) - SJR: 0,598 Q2 (2020); 0,651 Q1 (2023)
show 7 journal publications
Excom-Siroco Planning: Adaptation to the new Secondary Regulation Service
. Carried out for
Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
. Mar/2023-May/2023
show 1 projects
Ph.D. Thesis
A. García-Cerezo (2022),
New tools for the optimal expansion planning of power systems considering uncertainty and operational variability
. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Ciudad Real (Spain).
show 1 Ph.D. Thesis
Conference Papers
García-Cerezo, A., Baringo, L., Bonilla, D., García-González, J.,
Building bidding curves for an EV aggregator via stochastic adaptive robust optimization
7th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies - SEST 2024
, Turin (Italy). 10-12 September 2024. In:
SEST 2024: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 979-8-3503-8650-9
García-Cerezo, A., Baringo, L., Garcia-Bertrand, R.,
Dynamic robust transmission network expansion planning in renewable dominated power systems considering inter-temporal and non-convex operational constraints
5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies - SEST 2022
, Eindhoven (Netherlands). 05-07 September 2022. In:
SEST 2022: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-1-6654-0558-4
García-Cerezo, A., Baringo, L., Garcia-Bertrand, R.,
Robust transmission network expansion planning problem considering storage units
2nd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies - SEST 2019
, Porto (Portugal). 09-11 September 2019. In:
SEST 2019: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-1-7281-1157-5
show 3 conference papers
Books and Book Chapters
Garcia-Bertrand, R., Baringo, L., García-Cerezo, A.,
Introduction to probability theory
, in
Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering. Vol. 1. Electrical Engineering Technologies Mathematics for Electrical Engineering
. Editors García, J. Ed. Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022.
Garcia-Bertrand, R., Baringo, L., García-Cerezo, A.,
Uncertainty modeling in electrical power engineering: stochastic programming
, in
Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering. Vol. 1. Electrical Engineering Technologies Mathematics for Electrical Engineering
. Editors García, J. Ed. Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022.
Garcia-Bertrand, R., Baringo, L., García-Cerezo, A.,
Uncertainty modeling in electrical power engineering: robust optimization
, in
Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering. Vol. 1. Electrical Engineering Technologies Mathematics for Electrical Engineering
. Editors García, J. Ed. Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022.
show 3 books and book chapters