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Dr. Alejandro Ugedo Álvarez-Ossorio
Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Energy Systems Models
Membership dates:
02/sep/2002 - 10/Apr/2005
Journal Publications
Ugedo, A., Lobato, E.,
Application of neural networks to the management of voltage constraints in the Spanish market
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
. Vol. 33, nº. 7, pp. 1262 - 1271, September 2011. [Online: June 2011]
JCR: 2,247 Q1 (2011); 5,000 Q1 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2011); 1,711 Q1 (2023)
Lobato, E., Echavarren, F.M., Rouco, L., Ugedo, A.,
Decision trees applied to forecasting switched shunt devices within the Spanish power system
International Journal of Innovations in Energy Systems and Power
. Vol. 2, nº. 1, pp. 6 - 12, June 2007.
Ugedo, A., Lobato, E., Franco, Á., Rouco, L., Fernández-Caro, J., Chofre Álvarez, J.,
Strategic bidding in sequential electricity markets
IEE Proceedings-Generation Transmission and Distribution
. Vol. 153, nº. 4, pp. 431 - 442, July 2006.
JCR: 0,293 (2006); 0,868 (2008)
Ugedo, A., Lobato, E., Peco, J., Rouco, L.,
Decision trees applied to the management of voltage constraints in the Spanish market
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 20, nº. 2, pp. 963 - 972, May 2005. [Online: May 2005]
JCR: 0,951 (2005); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,827 Q1 (2023)
show 4 journal publications
Maintenance and new developments for Viesgo Tools
. Carried out for
. Apr/2004-Mar/2005
Manteinance and new developments for Viesgo Tools
. Carried out for
. Mar/2003-Feb/2004
Manteinance and new developments for Viesgo Tools
. Carried out for
. Mar/2003-Feb/2004
Integrated resources management in the electricity market with daily scope
. Carried out for
. Jan/2002-Dec/2002
show 4 projects
Ph.D. Thesis
A. Ugedo (2009),
Modelo de gestión integral de los recursos de generación y elaboración de la estrategia de oferta óptima en un mercado secuencial de corto plazo
. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain).
show 1 Ph.D. Thesis
Conference Papers
Ugedo, A., Lobato, E.,
Validation of a strategic bidding model within the Spanish sequential electricity market
11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems - PMAPS 2010
, Singapore (Singapore). 14-17 June 2010. In:
PMAPS 2010: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5720-5
Ugedo, A., Lobato, E.,
Generator load profiles estimation using artificial intelligence
International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems - ISAP 2007
, Kaohsiung (Taiwan). 05-08 November 2007. In:
Proceeding of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems: ISAP2007
, ISBN: 978-986-01-2607-5
Lobato, E., Ugedo, A., Rouco, L., Echavarren, F.M.,
Decision trees applied to Spanish power systems applications
9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems - PMAPS 2006
, Stockholm (Sweden). 11-15 June 2006. In:
PMAPS 2006: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-91-7178-585-5
Lobato, E., Echavarren, F.M., Rouco, L., Ugedo, A.,
Decision trees applied to forecasting switched shunt devices within the Spanish power system
1st International ICSC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Energy Systems and Power - AIESP 2006
, Funchal (Portugal). 07-10 February 2006.
Ugedo, A., Lobato, E., Franco, Á., Rouco, L., Fernández-Caro, J., de Benito, J., Chofre Álvarez, J., de la Hoz-Ardiz, J.,
Stochastic model of residual demand curves with decision trees.
IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting - IEEE PES GM 2003
, Toronto (Canada). 14-18 July 2003. In:
IEEE PES GM 2003: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 0-7803-7989-6
Franco, Á., Lobato, E., Rouco, L., Ugedo, A., Fernández-Caro, J., de Benito, J., Chofre Álvarez, J., de la Hoz-Ardiz, J.,
Optimization of the Spanish market sequence by a price-taker generating firm
IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2003
, Bologna (Italy). 22-26 June 2003.
show 6 conference papers