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Dr. Álvaro Baíllo Moreno
Current position:
Research Area:
Energy Systems Models
Membership dates:
13/jun/2000 - 30/Sep/2002
Journal Publications
Rodilla, P., García-González, J., Baíllo, Á., Cerisola, S., Batlle, C.,
Hydro resource management, risk aversion and equilibrium in an incomplete electricity market setting
Energy Economics
. Vol. 51, pp. 365 - 382, September 2015. [Online: July 2015]
JCR: Q1 (2015); 13,600 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,555 Q1 (2023)
Cabero, J., Ventosa, M., Cerisola, S., Baíllo, Á.,
Modeling risk management in oligopolistic electricity markets: a benders decomposition approach
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 25, nº. 1, pp. 263 - 271, February 2010. [Online: January 2010]
JCR: 2,355 (2010); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,827 Q1 (2023)
Cerisola, S., Baíllo, Á., Fernández-López, J.M., Ramos, A., Gollmer, R.,
Stochastic power generation unit commitment in electricity markets: a novel formulation and comparison of solution methods
Operations Research
. Vol. 57, nº. 1, pp. 32 - 46, February 2009. [Online: February 2009]
JCR: 1,576 (2009); 2,200 Q2 (2023) - SJR: 2,848 Q1 (2023)
Quizhpe, K., Baíllo, Á., Ventosa, M.,
Valoración de contratos a plazo en mercados eléctricos. Aplicación al mercado ecuatoriano
IEEE Latin America Transactions
. Vol. 6, nº. 2, pp. 184 - 193, June 2008. [Online: June 2008]
JCR: 1,300 Q3 (2023) - SJR: 0,370 Q2 (2023)
Cabero, J., Baíllo, Á., Cerisola, S., Ventosa, M., García, A., Perán, F., Relaño, G.,
A medium-term integrated risk management model for a hydrothermal generation company
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 20, nº. 3, pp. 1379 - 1388, August 2005. [Online: August 2005]
JCR: 0,951 (2005); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,827 Q1 (2023)
Baíllo, Á., Gómez, T.,
El Mercado Ibérico de Electricidad: un proyecto de integración energética
Estrategia Global
. Nº. 10, pp. 52 - 56, July 2005.
Ventosa, M., Baíllo, Á., Ramos, A., Rivier, M.,
Electricity markets modeling trends
Energy Policy
. Vol. 33, nº. 7, pp. 897 - 913, May 2005. [Online: November 2003]
JCR: 0,958 (2005); 9,300 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 2,388 Q1 (2023)
Baíllo, Á., Ventosa, M., Rivier, M., Ramos, A.,
Optimal offering strategies for generation companies operating in electricity spot markets
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 19, nº. 2, pp. 745 - 753, May 2004. [Online: May 2004]
JCR: 0,821 (2004); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,827 Q1 (2023)
show 8 journal publications
Thematic network of optimization under uncertainty
. Carried out for
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
. Jun/2005-May/2006
Decision-support tools for the day-ahead market and the congestion management mechanism
. Carried out for
. Jan/2005-Dec/2005
Analysis and scenario generation for Risk management in the Spanish electricity market
. Carried out for
. Jan/2005-Dec/2005
New decision-support tools for long-term electricity markets
. Carried out for
. Jan/2005-Dec/2005
Development of decision-support tools for long-term electricity markets
. Carried out for
. Jan/2004-Dec/2004
Analysis and scenario generation for risk management in the Spanish electricity market
. Carried out for
. Jan/2004-Dec/2004
Study on the economic feasibility of the Copalar hydroelectric plant
. Carried out for
Hydrocopalar MidAmericas Ltd
. Nov/2003-Feb/2004
Risk management in the Spanish electricity market
. Carried out for
. Jan/2003-Dec/2003
Improvement of tools devoted to economic planning and forecasting market prices
. Carried out for
. Jan/2003-Dec/2003
Development of prediction tools for the short term electricity market
. Carried out for
. Jan/2002-Dec/2002
Risk management in the Spanish electricity market
. Carried out for
. Oct/2001-Dec/2002
Decision support models for generation bids planning
. Carried out for
. Jan/2001-Dec/2001
Models to develop offer strategies in the Electricity Generation Business
. Carried out for
. Jan/2000-Dec/2000
Framework for generation bidding strategies in the day-ahead electricity spot market.
. Carried out for
. Jan/1998-Dec/1998
Analysis, study and design of bidding strategies in the electric generation sector
. Carried out for
. Jan/1998-Dec/1998
show 15 projects
Ph.D. Thesis
Á. Baíllo (2002),
Optimización de la explotación y de la preparación de ofertas de una empresa de generación de energía eléctrica para mercados de corto plazo
. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain).
show 1 Ph.D. Thesis
Conference Papers
Quizhpe, K., Baíllo, Á., Ventosa, M.,
Valoración de contratos a plazo en mercados eléctricos. Aplicación al mercado ecuatoriano
3rd Congreso Internacional de la Region Andina - IEEE ANDESCON 2006
, Quito (Ecuador). 08-10 November 2006.
Fernández-López, J.M., Cerisola, S., Baíllo, Á., Ramos, A.,
Stochastic bidding in electricity spot markets. A MIP-oriented benders decomposition approach
Applied Mathematical Programming and Modelling - APMOD 2006
, Madrid (Spain). 19-21 June 2006.
Cabero, J., Baíllo, Á., Cerisola, S., Ventosa, M.,
Electricity market equilibrium model with risk constraints via benders decomposition
INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2005
, San Francisco (United States of America). 13-16 November 2005.
Cabero, J., Baíllo, Á., Cerisola, S., Ventosa, M.,
Application of benders decomposition to an equilibrium problem
15th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2005
, Liege (Belgium). 22-26 August 2005.
Fernández-López, J.M., Baíllo, Á., Cerisola, S., Bellido, R.,
Building optimal offer curves for an electricity spot market: a mixed-integer programming approach
15th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2005
, Liege (Belgium). 22-26 August 2005.
Ramos, A., Latorre, J.M., Cerisola, S., Baíllo, Á.,
Scenario Tree Generation through the Neural Gas Algorithm
IFIP/IIASA/GAMM Workshop on Coping with Uncertainty - CwU 2004
, Laxenburg (Austria). 13-16 December 2004.
Cerisola, S., Baíllo, Á., Ramos, A.,
Benders decomposition for MIP problems: Application to multistage stochastic unit commitment problems
INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2004
, Denver (United States of America). 24-27 October 2004.
Cabero, J., Baíllo, Á., Cerisola, S., Ventosa, M.,
Electricity production planning and portfolio optimization with a CVaR objective
INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2004
, Denver (United States of America). 24-27 October 2004.
Baíllo, Á., Ramos, A., Rivier, M., Ventosa, M.,
Impact of the Spanish tariff regulation on the strategy followed by generation companies
INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2003
, Atlanta (United States of America). 19-22 October 2003.
Ventosa, M., Baíllo, Á., Ramos, A., Rivier, M.,
Electricity markets modeling trends
INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2003
, Atlanta (United States of America). 19-22 October 2003.
Reneses, J., Baíllo, Á., Centeno, E., Ventosa, M., Rivier, M., Ramos, A.,
Strategies to fulfill medium-term objectives through short-term operation in competitive power markets
IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2003
, Bologna (Italy). 22-26 June 2003.
Ramos, A., Baíllo, Á., López, S., Rivier, M., Ventosa, M.,
Analysis of short term dynamic behavior of an electric market
16th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies - IFORS 2002
, Edinburgh (United Kingdom). 08-12 July 2002.
Baíllo, Á., Ventosa, M., Rivier, M., Ramos, A., Relaño, G.,
Bidding in a day-ahead electricity market: a comparison of decomposition techniques
14th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2002
, Seville (Spain). 24-28 June 2002.
Baíllo, Á., Ventosa, M., Rivier, M., Ramos, A.,
Strategic bidding in a competitive electricity market: A decomposition approach
IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2001
, Porto (Portugal). 10-13 September 2001.
Baíllo, Á., Latorre, J.M., Ventosa, M., Rivier, M., Ramos, A.,
Unit commitment estratégico para empresas de generación: descomposición por relajación lagrangiana
7as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Madrid (Spain). 04-06 July 2001.
Baíllo, Á., Ventosa, M., Rivier, M., Ramos, A.,
Strategic bidding under uncertainty in a competitive electricity market
INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2000
, San Antonio (United States of America). 05-08 November 2000.
Baíllo, Á., Ventosa, M., Rivier, M., Ramos, A.,
Strategic bidding under uncertainty in a competitive electricity market
6th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems - PMAPS 2000
, Funchal (Portugal). 25-28 September 2000.
Baíllo, Á., Ventosa, M., Rivier, M., Ramos, A.,
Unit commitment and bidding strategies for generation companies in deregulated electricity markets
DIMACS/EPRI Workshop on Next Generation of Unit Commitment Model
, Piscataway (United States of America). 27-28 September 1999.
Baíllo, Á., Soler, D., Largo, Ó., Relaño, G.,
Modelo remuneratorio de los servicios complementarios en un mercado eléctrico. Parte II: Las reservas de potencia activa.
6as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Lisbon (Portugal). 07-09 July 1999.
Largo, Ó., Soler, D., de la Fuente, J.I., Relaño, G., Baíllo, Á.,
Pérdidas en los generadores asociadas a la prestación del servicio complementario de control de tensiones.
6as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Lisbon (Portugal). 07-09 July 1999.
Soler, D., Baíllo, Á., Gómez, T., de la Fuente, J.I.,
Modelo remuneratorio de los servicios complementarios en un mercado eléctrico. Parte I: aspectos generales
6as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Lisbon (Portugal). 07-09 July 1999.
show 21 conference papers
Books and Book Chapters
Ramos, A., Cerisola, S., Baíllo, Á., Latorre, J.M.,
Stochasticity in electric energy systems planning
, in
Coping with uncertainty: Modeling and policy issues
. Editors Marti, K.; Ermoliev, Y.; Makowsk, M.; Pflug, G. Ed. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Germany, 2006.
Cerisola, S., Ramos, A., Baíllo, Á.,
Modelado de algoritmos de descomposición con GAMS
, in
Optimización bajo incertidumbre
. Editors Alonso-Ayuso, A.; Escudero, L.F.; Sala, R. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia, Spain, 2004.
Cerisola, S., Ramos, A., Baíllo, Á.,
Aplicaciones en sistemas de energía eléctrica
, in
Optimización bajo incertidumbre
. Editors Alonso-Ayuso, A.; Escudero, L.F.; Sala, R. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia, Spain, 2004.
Baíllo, Á., Ventosa, M., Ramos, A., Rivier, M., Canseco, A.,
Strategic unit commitment for generation companies in deregulated electricity markets
, in
The next generation of electric power unit commitment models
. Editors Hobbs, B.F.; Rothkopf, M.H.; O'Neill, R. Ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Boston, United States of America, 2001.
show 4 books and book chapters
Invited Conferences and Seminars
"Unit commitment and bidding strategies for generation companies in deregulated electricity markets"
. Piscataway (United States of America). Sep 1999.
show 1 invited conferences and seminars
Working Papers
Cerisola, S., Baíllo, Á., Fernández-López, J.M., Ramos, A., Gollmer, R.,
Stochastic power generation unit commitment in electricity markets: A novel formulation and comparison of solution methods
, February 2012
Rodilla, P., Baíllo, Á., Batlle, C., Cerisola, S.,
Regulatory intervention to ensure an efficient medium-term planning in electricity markets
, March 2010
Cerisola, S., Baíllo, Á., Ramos, A., Gollmer, R.,
Sequential cut refinement method in multistage stochastic integer programming: Application to unit commitment problem
, January 2004
Cerisola, S., Latorre, J.M., Baíllo, Á.,
Scenario tree generation through the neural gas algorithm
, January 2004
Ramos, A., Baíllo, Á., López, S., Rivier, M., Ventosa, M.,
Analysis of short-term dynamic behavior of an electricity market
, January 2002
Baíllo, Á.,
Informe: DIMACS Workshop on next generation of unit commitment models
, January 1999
Fernández-López, J.M., Cerisola, S., Baíllo, Á.,
Building optimal offer curves for an electricity spot market: a decomposition solution methodology
show 7 working papers
External Training Courses
Not Available
. Carried out for
Fundación Repsol YPF
. Oct/2005-Oct/2006
Not Available
. Carried out for
. Feb/2005-May/2005
Not Available
. Carried out for
Unión Fenosa
. Feb/2005-Mar/2005
show 3 external training courses
Media and research dissemination
¿Qué es el déficit de la tarifa eléctrica? Una cuestión de confianza
". El País. Suplemento de negocios, p. 4 (Jun 2004)
show 1 media and research dissemination