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Dr. Alberto Orgaz Gil
Current position:
Research Area:
Energy Systems Models
Membership dates:
08/jul/2020 - 07/Jul/2021
Journal Publications
Orgaz, A., Bello, A., Reneses, J.,
Modeling storage systems in electricity markets with high shares of renewable generation: a daily clustering approach
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
. Vol. 137, pp. 107706-1 - 107706-11, May 2022. [Online: November 2021]
JCR: 5,200 Q1 (2022); 5,000 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 1,533 Q1 (2022); 1,711 Q1 (2023)
Orgaz, A., Bello, A., Reneses, J.,
Temporal aggregation for large-scale multi-area power system models
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
. Vol. 16, nº. 6, pp. 1108 - 1121, March 2022. [Online: December 2021]
JCR: 2,500 Q3 (2022); 2,000 Q3 (2023) - SJR: 0,981 Q1 (2022); 0,787 Q2 (2023)
Orgaz, A., Bello, A., Reneses, J.,
A new model to simulate local market power in a multi-area electricity market: application to the European case
. Vol. 12, nº. 11, pp. 2068-1 - 2068-15, June 2019. [Online: May 2019]
JCR: 2,702 Q3 (2019); 3,000 Q3 (2023) - SJR: 0,635 Q2 (2019); 0,651 Q1 (2023)
show 3 journal publications
Phase 1 of GAMS code reengineering
. Carried out for
Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
. Jun/2021-Oct/2021
Improvements in Monte Carlo executions and in the resolution processes of the P48 and the extrapeninsular systems
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamérica S.R.L
. Mar/2021-Oct/2021
Assistance and maintenance of Middle Office models
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamérica S.R.L
. Jan/2021-Dec/2021
Migration of the executions to EKS
. Carried out for
Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
. Oct/2020-Oct/2020
Implementation of the use of daily system states and gas units daily TPA contracting for VALORE-LPM
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Mar/2020-Jul/2020
Development of an integrated execution environment for the VALORE-HEPLASE tool in a MIBEL and European framework
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Feb/2020-Sep/2020
Improvements of the tool VALORE-LPM
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2020-Mar/2020
Development of a tool to make feasible hydro generation scenarios
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2020-Feb/2020
Assistance and maintenance of Middle Office models
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2020-Dec/2020
Obtaining a feasible unit commitment of thermal groups using Machine Learning techniques from the results of VALORE
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jul/2019-Dec/2019
Outputs of VALORE-LPM in Big Data
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jun/2019-Jul/2019
New hourly outputs for the VALORE-SEIE model and new demand horizon
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2019-Sep/2019
Consideration of demand, hydro and wind production scenarios in Monte Carlo executions of the VALORE model
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2019-Nov/2019
Representation of the European electricity market in the VALORE-HEPLASE model
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2019-Jun/2019
New developments of the VALORE tool
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2019-Jun/2019
Assistance and maintenance of Middle Office models
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2019-Dec/2019
New outputs for VALORE Montecarlo
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Nov/2018-Nov/2018
VALUE in a grid and cloud computing environment
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Mar/2018-Jun/2018
Support in forecasting and optimizing the operation in electricity markets
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2018-Dec/2018
Medium- and long-term planning in the Iberian electricity market. Integration of hourly executions
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2018-Dec/2018
Forecasts and analysis of the short- and medium-term operation in the Spanish Extrapeninsular power systems
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2017-Dec/2017
Medium- and long-term planning in the Iberian electricity market. Consideration of uncertainty in the forecasts
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2017-Dec/2017
Support for medium-term planning and forecasting in the European and Iberian electric markets
. Carried out for
Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L
. Jan/2017-Dec/2017
Medium- and long-term planning in the Iberian electricity and gas markets
. Carried out for
. Jan/2016-Dec/2016
Analysis of the medium-term operation in the European and Iberian electricity markets
. Carried out for
. Jan/2016-Dec/2016
Support in medium- and long-term planning in the Iberian electricity market
. Carried out for
. Jan/2015-Dec/2015
Assessing and forecasting on the Iberian electricity market
. Carried out for
. Jan/2015-Dec/2015
show 27 projects
Ph.D. Thesis
A. Orgaz (2023),
Multi-area electricity market modeling using intelligent data techniques and an advanced temporal framework
. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain).
show 1 Ph.D. Thesis
Conference Papers
Orgaz, A., Bello, A., Reneses, J.,
A Monte Carlo approach to represent uncertainty in the European electricity market
15th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM18
, Lodz (Poland). 27-29 June 2018. In:
IEEE EEM 2018: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-1-5386-1489-1
Orgaz, A., Bello, A., Reneses, J.,
Multi-area electricity market equilibrium model and its application to the European case
14th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM17
, Dresden (Germany). 06-09 June 2017. In:
IEEE EEM 2017: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-1-5090-5500-5
show 2 conference papers
Other Activities
Reviewer in
"International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems - IJEPES"
Elsevier SCI Ltd
. Oxford (United Kingdom). Sep - Oct 2017.
show 1 other activities