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D. Carlo de Paolis Robles

Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Association date:
RF4. P1.36
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 4524


Carlo De Paolis Robles is an Industrial Engineer, with a major in Electronics, from the Comillas Pontifical University, ICAI. He obtained the Bachelor's Degree in Electromechanical Engineering (IEM) in 2017, and the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII) in 2019. From September 2019 to August 2020 he worked in Management Solutions as a Business Consultant, both in the energy and financial sectors, in projects related to operational risk management and information loss risk management.

Areas of interest:

Analysis and Control of Electrical Energy Systems, Integration of Renewable Energies, Power Electronics Applications.