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Dr. Carlos Mateo Domingo

Current position:
Research Associate Professor
Association date:
RF4. P1.28
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2708
Researcher ID:
Google Scholar ID:


Carlos Mateo Domingo got his degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, and his diploma on Computer Engineering from the U.N.E.D, in 2000. He joined the Institute for Research in Technology in 2001 and got the Ph.D. in Industrial and Computer Engineering in 2007 with a thesis on Modes of Elastic Wave Propagation in Electrical Cables. Currently, he is coordinator of the Master in Smart Grids, and of the Smart and Sustainable Grids area in IIT. He is specialized in the electricity power system and in particular in distribution network modelling and in the assessment of the impact of distributed energy resources. He has participated in several European research projects (MERGE, IMPROGRESS, ADVANCED, SUSTAINABLE, PV-GRID,…), collaborated with the industry and with Spanish institutions (CNMC, Iberdrola, Ormazabal,…) and participated in international research projects with prestigious and renowned institutions (MIT, NREL, World Bank,…). He has collaborated in the creation of the DSO Observatory for the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. He has taken part in the SMART-DS project with NREL and MIT to build large-scale synthetic networks for the U.S. Department of Energy. In the context of this collaboration, he has been visiting researcher at NREL and MIT. He has also collaborated with the World Bank to analyze the impact of demand response in Central America, and with MIT to propose electrification solutions in developing countries. He has the accreditations of three six-year research in Engineering and Architecture (Communication Engineering, Computing and Electronics), for the periods 2003-8, 2009-14, and 2015-20, as well as the ANECA and ACAP Certifications of PhD assistant professor.

Areas of interest:

Models of electricity distribution networks. Integration of distributed energy resources.


Meta-heuristics Image processing

Journal Publications

show 46 journal publications


show 69 projects

Conference Papers

show 18 conference papers

International Exchanges

  • Oct - Nov 2017, MIT Energy Initiative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Cambridge (United States of America).
  • Sep - Oct 2017, Power System Design and Studies, National Energy Renewable Laboratory (NREL). Golden (United States of America).
  • May - Jun 2005Ansaldo Ricerche S.p.A. Genoa (Italy).
show 3 international exchanges

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Presentation "Digitalisation of electricity distribution networks: indicators and investments" XXVIII Congreso de ASEME. Asociación de Empresas Eléctricas -ASEME. Ponferrada (Spain). Oct 2024.
  • Presentation "Comportamiento y adaptación de las redes de distribución" Jornada de Energía fotovoltaica: futuro de la industria fotovoltaica española con el nuevo marco regulatorio. AEF, ASIF, APPA. Madrid (Spain). May 2011.
  • Presentation "Penetration of photovoltaics in distribution networks in Spain, and respective problems, issues and concerns" Implementing Agreement on Photovoltaic Power Systems. Task 14 – High Penetration PV in Electricity Grids. International Energy Agency - IEA. Lisbon (Portugal). May 2011.
  • Conference "Estructura de la red de distribución e impactos de la generación FV" La FV en España: análisis del mercado y barreras. Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica (ASIF). Madrid (Spain). Oct 2010.
show 4 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

  • Organization of "European Sustainable Energy Week - EUSEW 2022. Session: Skills for the twin green and digital transition". EDDIE Project; EdgeFLEX Project; IEEE PES Task Force; DG EMPL.B2; y DG ENER. Online. Sep 2022.
show 1 organization of scientific meetings

Technical Reports

show 14 technical reports

Working Papers

show 7 working papers

Media and research dissemination

show 1 media and research dissemination

Fellowships and Awards

  • Director of prizewinning work in "bp Chair for a Sustainable Net Zero Prize for the best Final Year Project 2022-23. PFC Supervisor «Estudio de la capacidad de conexión distribuida de vehículos eléctricos en redes urbanas» by J. de Gracia de Dios". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2024.
show 1 fellowships and awards

Other Activities

  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Massano, M. «GIS-based model-coupling platform for smart energy and renewable technologies integration in energy communities»". Politecnico di Torino. Turin (Italy) Online. Oct 2023.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Espejo González, R. «A complex-network approach to support transmission expansion planning»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2019.
  • Organization of "Re-thinking the regulation of the power system to integrate large shares of renewables and distributed energy resources". Universidad Pontificia Comillas; y EES-UETP. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2017.
show 3 other activities