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D. Diego Cubillo LLanes

Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Association date:
FR3. P104
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 4505
Academic Report:


Diego Cubillo Llanes was born in Madrid. He studied a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering for Industrial Technologies and a Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering at Comillas Pontifical University (ICAI), Madrid. He did his Master's Thesis on the design of a multifunctional mobile robotic platform with educational purposes and navigation capabilities. He is member of "ICAI 3D" 3D printing student association since 2017. Worked as a collaborating student in the control department of ICAI on part design, Matlab and ROS software integration, and communication with sensors. He worked 6 months in the R&D department of the 3DCP printer manufacturer COBOD (Denmark), assembling real prototypes and designing parts and assemblies with CAD tools. He is currently a research assistant at IIT in the Intelligent Systems Area and in the Chair of Connected Industry.

Areas of interest:

Robotics, automation, CAD design, additive manufacturig