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Dr. Juan Carlos del Real Romero

Current position:
Senior Associate Professor
Association date:
AA25. D-511
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2394
Researcher ID:
Google Scholar ID:
Academic Report:

Areas of interest:

Adhesive bonding: adhesives suitable for each application; mechanical characterization of adhesive bonding; durability studies and failure modes; surface treatments to improve durability of the adhesive joints. Composites: preparation of polymer matrix composites reinforced by micro and nanoparticles; mechanical characterization; thermal analysis; applications as coatings; biomedical applications. Carbon based nanomaterials. Nanocomposites

Journal Publications

show 55 journal publications

Conference Papers

show 73 conference papers

Books and Book Chapters

show 7 books and book chapters

International Exchanges

  • Aug 2016, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Dublin City University (DCU). Dublin (Ireland).
  • Mar 2012, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Queen's University of Belfast. Belfast (United Kingdom).
  • Jul - Sep 2003Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg (United States of America). Tecnología de adhesivos.
  • Aug 2002 - Feb 2003Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg (United States of America). Tecnología de adhesivos.
show 4 international exchanges

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Round table "Internships at ICAI: analysis and trends" VIII Congreso Nacional de Igenieros del ICAI «Somos historia que construye futuro». Colegio de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Chair in "1st International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes - AJP 2019. Session 1C. Adhesive bonding I". Universidade do Porto. Ponta Delgada (Portugal). Oct 2019.
  • Conference "Metalurgia e hipermedia, una innovación en la enseñanza" III Jornadas Universitarias sobre innovación educativa en las enseñanzas técnicas. Universidade da Coruña. El Ferrol (Spain). Sep 1995.
show 3 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

  • Member of Committee at "1st International Conference on Bio-Joining". Universidade do Porto. Porto (Portugal). Dec 2024.
  • Member of Committee at "1st International Conference on Bio-joining - BJ2024". Universidade do Porto. Porto (Portugal). Dec 2024.
  • Member of Committee at "XXII Congreso Internacional de Adhesión y Adhesivos". Grupo Español de Adhesión y Adhesivos (GEAA); y Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Colas y Adhesivos (ASEFCA). Malaga (Spain). Nov 2023.
  • Member of Committee at "14th European Adhesion Conference (EURADH) & 7th World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena (WCARP)". DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany). Sep 2023.
  • Member of Committee at "13th European Adhesion Conference - EURADH 21". French adhesion division (SFA). Online. Oct 2021.
  • Member of Committee at "1st International Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives 2020 - IAA 2020". Universidade do Porto. Madeira (Portugal). Mar 2020.
  • Permanent member at "International Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives" Jan 2020 - Jan 2021.
  • Permanent member at "International Conference on Science and Technology Education" Jan 2020 - Jan 2021.
  • Permanent member at "International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes - AJP" Jan 2019 - Today.
  • Member of Committee at "4th International Congress on welding and joining technologies". CESOL. Seville (Spain). Jan 2019 - May 2020.
  • Member of Committee at "8th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting - ACEX 2014". IRONIX Conferences. Paris (France). Jun - Jul 2014.
  • Member of Committee at "7th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting - ACE-X 2013". IRONIX Conferences. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2013.
  • Organization of "7th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting - ACE-X 2013 ". IRONIX Conferences. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2013.
  • Member of Committee at "6th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting - ACE-X 2012". Ironix Conferences. Istanbul (Turkey). Jul 2012.
  • Permanent member at "International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding" Porto (Portugal). Jan 2011 - Today.
  • Member of Committee at "4th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting - ACE-X 2010". Ironix Conferences. Paris (France). Jul 2010.
  • Member of Committee at "VIII Jornadas Nacionales de Adhesivos". Universidad de Extremadura en colaboración con GCTAA. Badajoz (Spain). Sep 2007.
  • Member of Committee at "VII Jornadas sobre Adhesión y Adhesivos". GCTAA en colaboración con AETEPA. Barcelona (Spain). Oct 2006.
  • Member of Committee at "VI Jornadas Nacionales sobre Adhesivos". AIDIMA en colaboración con el GCTAA. Valencia (Spain). Jun - Jul 2005.
  • Member of Committee at "V Jornadas Nacionales sobre Adhesivos". E.T.S.I. Navales de la UPM en colaboración con el GCTAA. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2004.
  • Member of Committee at "IV Jornadas Nacionales de Adhesivos". CIDEMCO en colaboración con el GCTAA. San Sebastian (Spain). Oct 2003.
  • Member of Committee at "III Jornadas Nacionales sobre Adhesivos". Barcelona (Spain). Jun 2002.
  • Member of Committee at "II Jornadas Nacionales de Adhesivos". Alicante (Spain). Sep 2001.
  • Organization of "I Jornadas sobre Tecnología de Adhesivos". Leganes (Spain). Oct 2000.
  • Permanent member at "Congress of Adhesion and Adhesives" Grupo Español de Adhesión y Adhesivos (GEAA). Zaragoza (Spain). Jan 2000 - Today.
show 25 organization of scientific meetings

External Training Courses

show 36 external training courses


  • "Procedimiento para la producción de partículas de corcho magnéticas, partículas así obtenidas y usos de las mismas". Owner(s): Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Instituto de Ciência e Inovaçao em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial; Universidade do Porto; y Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Priority country: Madrid (Spain). May 2019
  • "Bone cement with microencapsulated antimicrobial". Owner(s): Universidad Pontificia Comillas; INESCOP. Priority country: Madrid (Spain). Oct 2017
show 2 patents

External Relevant Positions

  • Editor at "Materials. Special Issue "Mechanical Properties of Biocomposites"" MDPI AG. Basel (Switzerland). Oct 2021.
  • Member of Editorial Board of the «Journal of Advanced Joining Processes» Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (Netherlands). Oct 2019 - Today.
  • Editor at "Journal of Adhesion. Volume 90, Issue 10, 2014. Special Issue. pp.815-816. D.O.I.: 10.1080/00218464.2014.909277" Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia (United States of America). May 2014.
  • Scientific Coordinator Grupo Español de Adhesión y Adhesivos. Alicante (Spain). Oct 2013 - Today.
  • Member of Editorial Board of the «Applied Adhesion Science» journal Springer. Heidelberg (Germany). Jul 2013 - Today.
  • Member of Editorial Advisory Board of the «Journal of Adhesion» Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia (United States of America). Sep 2012 - Today.
  • Editor at "Tendencias en adhesión y adhesivos. Volumen III." Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2010.
  • President Grupo Español de Adhesión y Adhesivos. Alicante (Spain). Dec 2009 - Sep 2013.
  • Standardization Technical Committee 143 «Adhesives» AENOR. Madrid (Spain). Jan 2002 - Today.
show 9 external relevant positions

Media and research dissemination

show 2 media and research dissemination

Fellowships and Awards

  • Director of prizewinning work in "Honorary Distinction to the best Doctoral Thesis on Engineering «Bone cements reinforced with carbon based nanomaterials» by Eva Paz ". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jan 2018.
  • «Nuevo método de liberación de antibióticos del cemento óseo (polimetilmetracrilato): redefiniendo los límites » "SECOT Foundation Prize. Basic Research in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology". Fundación de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología (SECOT). Barcelona (Spain). Sep 2016.
  • «Influencia del medio fisiológico sobre las propiedades mecánicas del cemento óseo» "Award Foundation SECOT Basic Research in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology". Fundación de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología (SECOT). Barcelona (Spain). Oct 2013.
  • Fellowship "Erasmus Scholarship «Teachers / Researcher» Training". Queen´s University. Belfast (United Kingdom). Mar 2012.
  • Fellowship "Erasmus Scholarship «Teachers / Researcher» Training". Universidade do Porto. Facultade de Engenharia. Porto (Portugal). Sep 2011.
  • Fellowship "Erasmus Scholarship «Teachers / Researcher» Training". Universidade do Porto. Facultade de Engenharia. Porto (Portugal). Jun - Jul 2008.
  • Fellowship "Beca Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional". Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima (Peru). Jul - Aug 2000.
  • Fellowship "Beca Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional". Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima (Peru). Aug - Sep 1997.
show 8 fellowships and awards

Other Activities

  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "León Román, V. E. «Estudio comparativo biomecánico de la rotación del componente tibial entre la prótesis en bisagra rotatoria y las prótesis de constricción condilar varo-valgo»". Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2021.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Munilla López, J.: «Development of a novel concept of efficient superconducting magnet for radioisotope production cyclotron»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jan 2020.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Gálvez Villarino, P. «Aplicación de la tecnología de adhesivos en estructuras multimaterial: empleo de adhesivos tenaces»". Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). Jan 2020.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "López Torres, I. I. «Estudio in vivo de la eficacia del cemento óseo con rifampicina contenida en microcápsulas de alginato en el tratamiento de la infección protésica»". Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2018.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Enciso Ramos, M. B. «Durabilidad y biodeterioro de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica reforzados con fibras naturales: efecto de tratamientos de plasma»". Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2018.
  • Reviewer in "Journal of Materials Processing Technology". Elsevier Science S.A. Lausanne (Switzerland). Jan 2018 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Materials Science & Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications". Elsevier Science BV. Amsterdam (Netherlands). Jan 2018 - Today.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Martín Sastre, C. «Evaluación medioambiental de la generación de energía eléctrica a partir de biomasa agrícola en España mediante análisis de ciclo de vida»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2017.
  • Director of research work "Caracterización de materiales compuestos reforzados con nanomateriales base carbono". Instituto Universitario del Ejército. Buenos Aires (Argentina). Jan - Mar 2017.
  • Reviewer in "Biomimetics". MDPI AG. Basel (Switzerland). Jan 2017 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Microscopy and Microanalysis". Cambridge Univ Press. New York (United States of America). Jan 2017 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures". Semnan University. Semnan (Iran). Jan 2017 - Today.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "López Torres, I. I. «Estudio in vivo de la eficacia del cemento óseo con rifampicina contenida en microcápsulas de alginato en el tratamiento de la infección protésica»". Universidad Europea de Madrid. Villaviciosa de Odón (Spain). Sep 2016.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "de Sousa Marques, E.A. «High temperature mixed-adhesive joints for aerospace applications»". Universidade do Porto. Porto (Portugal). Apr 2016.
  • Reviewer in "Journal of Composite Materials". Sage Publications Ltd. London (United Kingdom). Jan 2016 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Advances in Polymer Technology". Wiley-Blackwell. Hoboken (United States of America). Jan 2016 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Textile Research Journal". Sage Publications Ltd. London (United Kingdom). Jan 2016 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Cellulose". Springer. Dordrecht (Netherlands). Jan 2016 - Today.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Ayala Santamaría, P. «An experimental and numerical study on the smoke layer growth and movement within large-volume spaces: atrium fires»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2015.
  • Reviewer in "Science and Engineering of Composite Materials". Walter de Gruyter GmbH. Berlin (Germany). Jan 2015 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Polymer International". Wiley-Blackwell. Hoboken (United States of America). Jan 2015 - Today.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Serrano Remón, I.P. «Análisis de sistemas de conversión de potencia en reactores nucleares de fusión con envolturas regeneradoras de doble refrigerante»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2014.
  • Prologue in "The Journal of Adhesion. Volume 90, Issue 10, 2014 Special Issue. pp.815-816. D.O.I.: 10.1080/00218464.2014.909277". Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia (United States of America). May 2014.
  • Reviewer in "Journal of Testing and Evaluation". ASTM International. West Conshohocken (United States of America). Jan 2014 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Composites Part B: Engineering". Elsevier SCI Ltd. Oxford (United Kingdom). Jan 2014 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Measurement Science and Technology". IOP Publishing Ltd. Bristol (United Kingdom). Jan 2014 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine". Springer. Dordrecht (Netherlands). Jan 2014 - Today.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Cuesta Garrote, N. « Adhesivos proteicos bioinspirados para calzado»". Universidad de Alicante. Alicante (Spain). Nov 2013.
  • Reviewer in "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications". Sage Publications Ltd. London (United Kingdom). Jan 2013 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Applied Adhesion Science". Springer. London (United Kingdom). Jan 2013 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Surface and Coatings Technology". Esevier Science S.A. Lausanne (Switzerland). Jan 2013 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Applied Surface Science". Elsevier Science B.V. Amsterdam (Netherlands). Jan 2013 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Journal of Adhesion". Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon (United Kingdom). Jan 2011 - Today.
show 33 other activities