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Dr. Fidel Fernández Bernal

Current position:
Senior Associate Professor
Research Area:
Association date:
AA25. D-307
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2385
Researcher ID:
Google Scholar ID:


He received the BSc (1990, Best B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in Spain), the MSc degree (1994, Best 1% Top Student Award), and his PhD degree (2000) in Electrical Engineering from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain. From 1990 to 2000 he was Lecturer, and from 2000 part of the faculty of the Electrical Department of the School of Engineering (ICAI) in the Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Between 2010 and 2019 he was the Head of the Electrical Department. Currently, he is Full-Professor and shares his duties as professor, researcher and head of the Electric Drives Lab.

Areas of interest:

Electric Machines and Electric Drives, Electrical Generation, Renewable Generation, Wind Generation.

Journal Publications

show 16 journal publications


show 59 projects

Conference Papers

show 25 conference papers

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Conference "Modelo de centrales fotovoltaicas para estudios dinámicos de sistemas eléctricos" I Jornadas Internacionales de Equipos Eléctricos - JIEEC. IEEC - Tecnalia. Bilbao (Spain). Oct 2001.

Organization of Scientific Meetings


  • "Static exciter system for generators". Owner(s): General Electric Technology GmbH. Priority country: Baden (Switzerland). Mar 2021

Other Activities

  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Saboya Bautista, I. «Operación de unidades de arranque rápido para la regulación secundaria frecuencia-potencia»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2017.