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Dr. Fernando Emilio Postigo Marcos
Current position:
Research Area:
Smart and Sustainable Grids
Membership dates:
12/sep/2021 - 11/Sep/2022
Journal Publications
Mateo, C., Postigo Marcos, F., Elgindy, T., Birchfield, A.B., Dueñas, P., Palmintier, B., Panossian, N., Gómez, T., de Cuadra, F., Overbye, T.J., Safdarian, F., Wallison, D.,
Building and validating a large-scale combined transmission & distribution synthetic electricity system of Texas
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
. Vol. 159, pp. 110037-1 - 110037-11, August 2024. [Online: May 2024]
JCR: 5,000 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 1,711 Q1 (2023)
De Rosa, L., Martínez, M., Linares, J.I., Mateo, C., Gómez, T., Cossent, R., Postigo Marcos, F., Sánchez, A., Martín, F.,
Design and assessment of energy infrastructure in new decarbonized urban districts: a Spanish case study
Energy Reports
. Vol. 11, pp. 4631 - 4641, June 2024. [Online: April 2024]
JCR: 4,700 Q2 (2023) - SJR: 1,072 Q2 (2023)
Postigo Marcos, F., Mateo, C., Gómez, T.,
Improving distribution network resilience through automation, Distributed Energy Resources, and undergrounding
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
. Vol. 141, pp. 108116-1 - 108116-13, October 2022. [Online: March 2022]
JCR: 5,200 Q1 (2022); 5,000 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 1,533 Q1 (2022); 1,711 Q1 (2023)
Palmintier, B., Elgindy, T., Mateo, C., Postigo Marcos, F., Gómez, T., de Cuadra, F., Dueñas, P.,
Experiences developing large-scale synthetic U.S.-style distribution test systems
Electric Power Systems Research
. Vol. 190, pp. 106665-1 - 106665-7, January 2021. [Online: August 2020]
JCR: 3,818 Q2 (2021); 3,300 Q2 (2023) - SJR: 1,109 Q1 (2021); 1,029 Q1 (2023)
Li, H., Wert, J.L., Birchfield, A.B., Overbye, T.J., Gómez, T., Mateo, C., Postigo Marcos, F., Dueñas, P., Elgindy, T., Palmintier, B.,
Building highly detailed synthetic electric grid data sets for combined transmission and distribution systems
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy
. Vol. 7, pp. 478 - 488, 2020. [Online: October 2020]
JCR: 3,300 Q2 (2023) - SJR: 1,610 Q1 (2023)
Espejo, R., Mestre, G., Postigo Marcos, F., Lumbreras, S., Ramos, A., Huang, T., Bompard, E.,
Exploiting graphlet decomposition to explain the structure of complex networks: the GHuST framework
Scientific Reports
. Vol. 10, pp. 12884-1 - 12884-14, December 2020. [Online: July 2020]
JCR: 4,379 Q1 (2020); 3,800 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 1,240 Q1 (2020); 0,900 Q1 (2023)
Mateo, C., Postigo Marcos, F., de Cuadra, F., Gómez, T., Elgindy, T., Dueñas, P., Hodge, B.M., Krishnan, V., Palmintier, B.,
Building large-scale U.S. synthetic electric distribution system models
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
. Vol. 11, nº. 6, pp. 5301 - 5313, November 2020. [Online: June 2020]
JCR: 8,960 Q1 (2020); 8,600 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,571 Q1 (2020); 4,863 Q1 (2023)
Krishnan, V., Bruce, B., Elgindy, T., Mateo, C., Dueñas, P., Postigo Marcos, F., Lacroix, J.S., Gómez, T., Palmintier, B.,
Validation of synthetic U.S. electric power distribution system data sets
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
. Vol. 11, nº. 5, pp. 4477 - 4489, September 2020. [Online: March 2020]
JCR: 8,960 Q1 (2020); 8,600 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,571 Q1 (2020); 4,863 Q1 (2023)
Postigo Marcos, F., Mateo, C., Gómez, T., de Cuadra, F., Dueñas, P., Elgindy, T., Hodge, B.M., Palmintier, B., Krishnan, V.,
Phase-selection algorithms to minimize cost and imbalance in U.S. synthetic distribution systems
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
. Vol. 120, pp. 106042-1 - 106042-9, September 2020. [Online: April 2020]
JCR: 4,630 Q1 (2020); 5,000 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 1,050 Q1 (2020); 1,711 Q1 (2023)
Postigo Marcos, F., Mateo, C., Gómez, T., Cossent, R.,
Location and sizing of micro-grids to improve continuity of supply in radial distribution networks
. Vol. 13, nº. 13, pp. 3495-1 - 3495-21, July 2020. [Online: July 2020]
JCR: 3,004 Q3 (2020); 3,000 Q3 (2023) - SJR: 0,598 Q2 (2020); 0,651 Q1 (2023)
Mateo, C., Cossent, R., Gómez, T., Prettico, G., Frías, P., Fulli, G., Meletiou, A., Postigo Marcos, F.,
Impact of solar PV self-consumption policies on distribution networks and regulatory implications
Solar Energy
. Vol. 176, pp. 62 - 72, December 2018. [Online: October 2018]
JCR: 4,674 Q1 (2018); 6,000 Q2 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2018); 1,311 Q1 (2023)
Postigo Marcos, F., Mateo, C., Gómez, T., Palmintier, B., Hodge, B.M., Krishnan, V., de Cuadra, F., Mather, B.,
A review of power distribution test feeders in the United States and the need for synthetic representative networks
. Vol. 10, nº. 11, pp. 1896-1 - 1896-14, November 2017. [Online: November 2017]
JCR: 2,676 Q3 (2017); 3,000 Q3 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2017); 0,651 Q1 (2023)
show 12 journal publications
Simulation of distributed energy resources
. Carried out for
Zola Electric
. May/2021-Mar/2022
New 100% renewable, flexible and robust energy system for the integration of new generation, grid and demand-side technologies- Network Planning and reconfiguration
. Carried out for
i-DE Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes, S.A.U
. Oct/2020-Dec/2023
Micro-grids with renewables and storage to improve resiliency in future distribution networks
. Carried out for
Fundación Iberdrola España
. Sep/2020-Aug/2021
Guidelines for energy infrastructures in an urban district located in Madrid North
. Carried out for
IDOM Consulting, Engineering and Architecture S.A.U
. May/2020-Oct/2020
Expansion planning scenarios of a real distribution network
. Carried out for
Empresas públicas de Medellín E.S.P
. Oct/2019-Dec/2019
Micro-grids with renewables and storage to improve resiliency in future distribution networks
. Carried out for
Fundación Iberdrola España
. Sep/2019-Aug/2020
IELECTRIX - Indian and European Local Energy CommuniTies for Renewable Integration and the Energy Transition (Horizon 2020. Grant agreement No. 824392)
. Carried out for
Comisión Europea
. May/2019-Oct/2022
Non conventional electrification solutions
. Carried out for
Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica S.A.U
. Oct/2018-Dec/2018
EU Energy system: modelling, data collection and studies
. Carried out for
Comisión Europea
. Jun/2018-Aug/2021
Jamaica - Tariffs
. Carried out for
MRC Consultores
. Sep/2017-Jun/2018
Analysis of the impact of demand management in the electricity sector in Central America
. Carried out for
World Bank
. Sep/2017-Feb/2018
DSOs web‐platform core module
. Carried out for
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
. Dec/2016-Sep/2017
Study on the feasibility of different electric generation scenarios in the mid term in Spain
. Carried out for
Greenpeace España
. Dec/2016-Jul/2017
Smart-DS: synthetic models for advanced, realistic testing of distribution systems and scenarios
. Carried out for
U.S. Department of Energy´s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)
. Sep/2016-Aug/2021
Virtual Balkan Power Centre for advance of renewable energy sources in Western Balkans
. Carried out for
Comisión Europea
. Jan/2005-Dec/2006
show 15 projects
Ph.D. Thesis
F. Postigo Marcos (2022),
Algorithms for distribution system planning: applications to U.S. synthetic networks and improving resilience through microgrids
. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain).
show 1 Ph.D. Thesis
Conference Papers
Gallegos, P., Chittur, P., Postigo Marcos, F., Mateo, C., Fleury, J.,
Quantitative assessment of the role of flexibility measures in the integration of renewables using the upgraded metis platform
26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2021
, Geneva (Switzerland) Online. 20-23 September 2021. In:
CIRED 2021: Conference proceedings
, e-ISBN: 978-1-83953-591-8
Palmintier, B., Elgindy, T., Mateo, C., Postigo Marcos, F., Gómez, T., de Cuadra, F., Dueñas, P.,
Experiences developing large-scale synthetic U.S.-style distribution test systems
21st Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2020
, Porto (Portugal). 29 June - 03 July 2020.
Krishnan, V., Palmintier, B., Hodge, B.M., Hale, E.T., Elgindy, T., Bugbee, B., Rossol, M.N., Lopez, A.J., Krishnamurthy, D., Vergara Ramírez, C.R., Mateo, C., Postigo Marcos, F., de Cuadra, F., Gómez, T., Dueñas, P., Luke, M., Li, V., Vinoth, M., Kadankodu, S.,
Smart-DS: synthetic models for advanced, realistic testing: distribution systems and scenarios
Technical Conference to Increase Real-Time and Day-Ahead Efficiency Through Software - FERC 2017
, Washington (United States of America). 26-28 June 2017.
show 3 conference papers
Books and Book Chapters
Mateo, C., Postigo Marcos, F., Sánchez, A.,
The impact of Distributed Energy Resources on the networks
, in
Transmission expansion planning: the network challenges of the energy transition
. Editors Lumbreras, S.; Abdi, H.; Ramos, A. Ed. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Cham, Switzerland, 2020.
show 1 books and book chapters
Technical Reports
Linares, P., Chaves, J.P., Postigo Marcos, F.,
Estudio técnico de viabilidad de escenarios de generación eléctrica en el medio plazo en España
. Project: Greenpeace_Escenarios. Funded by
Greenpeace España
. Mar/2018.
show 1 technical reports
Working Papers
Mateo, C., Postigo Marcos, F., de Cuadra, F., Gómez, T., Elgindy, T., Dueñas, P., Hodge, B.M., Krishnan, V., Palmintier, B.,
Building Large-Scale U.S. Synthetic Electric Distribution System Models
, February 2019
Postigo Marcos, F., Mateo, C., Gómez, T., de Cuadra, F., Dueñas, P., Elgindy, T., Hodge, B.M., Palmintier, B., Krishnan, V.,
Phase selection algorithms to minimize cost and imbalance in U.S. synthetic distribution systems
, February 2019
show 2 working papers
Media and research dissemination
Microgrids, useful for every occasion
El País. Extra Energía.
(May 2022)
Fundación Iberdrola España supports young researchers through its scholarship program
Expansión. Sostenibilidad.
(Oct 2020)
Fundación Iberdrola España supports young researchers through its scholarship program
El Mundo.
(Oct 2020)
Strategic analysis of energy investments in the Balearic Islands' electricity system
Asociación/Colegio Nacional de Ingenieros de ICAI.
(Dec 2016)
show 4 media and research dissemination
Fellowships and Awards
"Iberdrola Scholarship to research in energy and the environment"
Fundación Iberdrola España
. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2020.
"Iberdrola Scholarship to research in energy and the environment"
. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2019.
show 2 fellowships and awards