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Dr. Javier García González

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SM26. D-503
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 6305
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Javier García González was born in Salamanca in 1972. He obtained the Industrial Engineer degree, specializing in Electricity, from ETSEIB, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, in 1996. That year he joined the Institute for Technological Research (IIT) of Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid, to carry out his doctorate in the area of decision support models in the electricity sector. He obtained the Ph.D. in 2001 and his thesis was awarded by the Royal Academy of Doctors as the best doctoral thesis in the scientific and technological area in that year. Currently, he is Full Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the ICAI School of Engineering, U. Pontificia Comillas. From 2007 to 2014 he was the Director of the Master in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI), as well as Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Economics and Management of Network Industries (EMIN). From 2016 until 2022, he was Deputy Director of IIT. His research activities are developed at IIT within the group "Decision support systems for the energy sector" where he has participated in more than 70 research projects developed mainly for electricity companies and related institutions, being the principal researcher of many of them. He has supervised five doctoral theses, co-authored 6 book chapters, and more than 30 journal papers. In 2010 and 2023 he was Visiting Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Since 2010, he has been an MIT affiliate as a lecturer of the IAP course "Electric power system modeling for a low carbon economy". In 2012 he was Visiting Researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). His areas of interest include operations, planning, and the economy of power systems.

Areas of interest:

Decision support models in the electric power industry

Journal Publications

show 37 journal publications


show 89 projects

Ph.D. Thesis

show 8 Ph.D. Thesis

Conference Papers

show 44 conference papers

International Exchanges

  • Jun - Jul 2023, MIT Energy Initiative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Cambridge (United States of America).
  • Jul - Aug 2012, Visiting Scholar at the Environmental Energy Technologies Division (EETD), Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL). Berkeley (United States of America).
  • Jun - Aug 2010, Visiting Scholar at the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Cambridge (United States of America).
show 3 international exchanges

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Chair in "Plenary session: Power system models for real life problems" 14th IEEE PowerTech Conference 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES); y Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Online. Jul 2021.
  • Round table "The review of Special Drought Plans (PES)" Jornada «La gestión de la sequía a debate: Planes Especiales de Sequía y  Planes de Emergencia para abastecimiento urbano»  . Observatorio del Agua de la Fundación Botín . Madrid (Spain). Feb 2018.
show 2 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

  • Organization of "14th IEEE PowerTech Conference 2021" Publications Chair. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES); y Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jun - Jul 2021.
  • Organization of "15th Workshop on Industrial Systems and Energy Technologies - JOSITE'2020". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2020.
  • Organization of "14th Workshop on Industrial Systems and Energy Technologies - JOSITE'2019". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2019.
  • Organization of "13th Workshop on Industrial Systems and Energy Technologies - JOSITE'2018". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2018.
  • Organization of "12th Workshop on Industrial Systems and Energy Technologies - JOSITE'2017". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2017.
  • Organization of "11th Workshop on Industrial Systems and Energy Technologies - JOSITE'2016". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2016.
  • Permanent member at "Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC" Jan 2001 - Today.
show 7 organization of scientific meetings

Working Papers

show 11 working papers

External Training Courses

show 30 external training courses

External Relevant Positions

  • Member of The Power System Economics Subcommittee (under PSOPE Committee) IEEE Power & Energy Society (IEEE PES). Piscataway (United States of America). Jul 2007 - Today.
  • Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE. Piscataway (United States of America). Jan 1999 - Dec 2016.
show 2 external relevant positions

Media and research dissemination

  • "The price of light. Talk-show". Antena 3. Antena 3 Noticias (Jan 2017)
show 1 media and research dissemination

Fellowships and Awards

  • "Outstanding reviewer of Electric Power Systems Research". Elsevier Science Ltd. Lausanne (Switzerland). Mar 2017.
show 1 fellowships and awards

Other Activities

  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Paredes Parrilla, A. «Trading of flexibility products in multi-DSO and multi-scale electricity markets»". Universidad de Málaga. Malaga (Spain). Sep 2023.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Fernández Muñoz, D. «Generation Scheduling in Isolated Power Systems with High Penetration of Variable Renewable Generation and Pumped-Storage»". Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Online. Jun 2021.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Gorenstein Dedecca, J. «Expansion governance of the integrated North Seas offshore grid»". Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft). Delft (Netherlands). Nov 2018.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Mazidi, P. «From condition monitoring to maintenance management in electric power system generation with focus on wind turbines»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2018.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Formozo Fernandes, C. «Adapting European market arrangements to facilitate the contribution of renewable generators to electricity balancing»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2017.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Dias Bleasby Rodrigues, R. «Hybrid modeling for electricity policy assessments»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2017.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Guisández González, I. «Long-term optimal hydropower reservoir operation with minimum flows and maximum ramping rates»". Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2016.
  • Reviewer in "IET Generation,Transmission and Distribution". Institute for Engineering and Technology (IET). Quebec (Canada). Jan 2016 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks". Elsevier Science BV. Amsterdam (Netherlands). Nov 2014 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Applied Energy". Elsevier SCI Ltd. Oxford (United Kingdom). Jan 2014 - Today.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Dueñas Martínez, P. «Analysis of the operation and contract management in downstream natural gas markets»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2013.
  • Reviewer in "IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE. Piscataway (United States of America). Jan 2013 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Energies". MDPI AG. Basel (Switzerland). Jan 2012 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Energy Policy". Elsevier SCI Ltd. Oxford (United Kingdom). Jan 2011 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE. Piscataway (United States of America). Jan 2010 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "IEEE Transactions on Power Systems". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE. Piscataway (United States of America). Jul 2006 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "European Journal of Operational Research". Elsevier Science Ltd. Amsterdam (Netherlands). Jan 2005 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Technology Information". Centro de Información Tecnológica (CIT). La Serena (Chile). Jan 2005 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems - IJEPES". Elsevier SCI Ltd. Oxford (United Kingdom). Mar 2003 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Electric Power Systems Research". Elsevier Science Ltd. Lausanne (Switzerland). Jan 2003 - Today.
show 20 other activities