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D. Jesús David Gómez Pérez

Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Association date:
SM26. P-104
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2730
Academic Report:


Jesús David Gómez Pérez obtained the bachelor and M.Sc. degrees in electric engineering at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (Colombia). He has nine years in the energy sector, working as a Colombian operation planning analyst (XM). He joins to Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) in January 2020 as a researcher. His research is focused on the development of tools for energy operation and planning, specifically médium-term resources scheduling considering uncertainty.

Areas of interest:

Optimization and modeling, energy systems planning and operation, electrical power systems planning and operation.

International Exchanges

  • Sep - Dec 2024, Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation (IEE), Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz). Graz (Austria).
show 1 international exchanges

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Seminar "Improving operating policies in stochastic optimization. An application to the medium-term hydrothermal scheduling problem". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2023.
show 1 invited conferences and seminars