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D. Julio Eisman Valdés

Current position:
Visiting Researcher
Association date:
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Julio Eisman Valdés is an Electromechanical Engineer from ICAI (1973) and graduated from the IESE General Management Program in 1998.

He started working at Hidroeléctrica Española in 1973 in engineering protection and control systems, participating in the electrical design of substations and of hydraulic generation plants (Cedillo, Gabriel y Galán, Guijo de Granadilla, La Muela), nuclear (Almaraz, Vandellós II, Valdecaballeros, Ascó) and combined cycles (Castellón, Aceca, Soto de Ribera, Castejón). He was also in charge of the maintenance of the protection system, reporting on the analysis and recommendations on network disturbances and on the technical relationship with large clients.

At this time, he takes various protection courses at ABB (Sweden) and General Electric (USA) and participates, as a Spanish member, in the CIGRE Protection Committee and in the Relay, Disturbance and Instrument Transformer Committees of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

In 1991, after the merger with Iberduero to form Iberdrola, he was responsible for the engineering and operation of the protection system, to later take charge of the engineering of Substations and Lines. After the constitution of Iberdrola Engineering and Consulting (Iberinco) he was appointed Network Manager. In 2000, he assumed the general management of Iberinco, becoming part of the Iberdrola Management Committee.

In 2004 he liquidated his contract with Iberdrola and began to collaborate as a volunteer with Energía sin Fronteras on its Board of Directors as head of Studies and later as Project Manager. He participates in projects related to access to electricity in Guatemala, Peru, DR Congo, Benin, …

In 2008 he joined ACCIONA, S.A. to start up the Acciona Microenergy Foundation, of which he is Director until 2017. At that time, he develops an electricity supply model based on solar home systems for isolated rural communities in developing countries, named Luz en Casa.

In 2009 he created the non-profit association Acciona Microenergía Perú (AMP), holding the position of Vice President, for the implementation of the Luz en Casa model in the department of Cajamarca and later in Loreto.

In 2010, AMP joined the regulated system and is recognized as a supplier of the public electricity service. In 2021 it supplies electricity to some 23,500 people.

In 2012, he launched the non-profit association Acciona Microenergía México (AMM), holding the vice presidency, to implement the Luz en Casa model in public-private collaboration with the Government of the State of Oaxaca and the Spanish Agency for Development Cooperation (AECID). In 2021, AMM provides electrical access with home photovoltaic systems to some 36,000 mexicans.

In 2017 he became an advisor to Acciona.org (new name of Fundación ACCIONA Microenergía) and devoted himself to the implementation of the Luz en Casa model in three refugee camps in Tigray (Ethiopia), until 2020 when the project was interrupted by the armed conflict in the area.

Since 2008 he has been a member of the Engineering and Sustainable Development Committee of the Spanish Institute of Engineering and in November 2021 he is appointed Vice President of the Committee.

Since October 2020 he is a board member of the ICAI Engineers Foundation where he develops his activities promoting the mobilization of volunteers from the group of engineers for technical assistance to non-profit organizations, and in collaboration with other entities.

Areas of interest:

Universal energy access. Off grid energy delivery models. Energy transition. Independent Solar Home Systems. Productive uses of electricity in isolated rural communities. Management of non-profit organizations. Innovation and social entrepreneurship.

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Presentation "Distributed generation: a path to follow" Webinar. Derecho & Sociedad; y Clínica Jurídica de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú. Online. Nov 2022.
  • Presentation "Energy communities in Spain: experience and recommendations for alleviating energy poverty" Jornada «Comunidades Energéticas y Pobreza». Instituto de la Ingeniería de España (IIE). Madrid (Spain). Nov 2022.
  • Round table "A view on challenges and experiences on the provision of energy access by practitioners. Lesson 2: Experiences in electrification and clean cooking" Regulation for Sustainable Development Goal 7 Course. Florence School of Regulation (FSR). Online. May 2022.
  • Conference "Electrification in Perú. Lesson 2: Experiences in electrification and clean cooking" Regulation for Sustainable Development Goal 7 Course. Florence School of Regulation (FSR). Online. May 2022.
  • Presentation "Renewable energies and rural development. In search of balance" Jornada «Hacia una mejor integración socio-territorial del despliegue fotovoltáico». Instituto de la Ingeniería de España (IIE). Madrid (Spain). May 2022.
  • Presentation "General lessons learned from the diverse individual experiences. Panel 3. Implementing concession: general success/failure factors from past experiences". African School of Regulation (ASR); MIT Energy Initiative; World Bank; y Rockefeller Foundation. Online. Mar 2022.
  • Round table "How to facilitate universal access to energy in an environment of energy transition and the fight against climate change?" 1ª Feria AEMENER de carreras STEM. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Madrid (Spain). Feb 2022.
  • Presentation "Electric vehicle charging networks: incentive or barrier?" Jornada sobre «Movilidad Urbana Sostenible». Instituto de la Ingeniería de España (IIE). Madrid (Spain). Dec 2021.
  • Chair in "Round table 5. Purposeful engineering, but .. what purpose?" VIII Congreso Nacional de Igenieros del ICAI «Somos historia que construye futuro». Colegio de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Round table "Purposeful engineering, but … what purpose?" VIII Congreso Nacional de Igenieros del ICAI «Somos historia que construye futuro». Colegio de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Round table "If you want to transform the world, become an engineer." VIII Congreso Nacional de Igenieros del ICAI «Somos historia que construye futuro». Colegio de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Round table "The road to a sustainable electricity system. Transition and policies for mitigation and adaptation to global climate warming" X Congreso Internacional de Ordenación del Territorio - X CIOT. Asociación Interprofesional de Ordenación del Territorio (FUNDICOT). Valencia (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Chair in " Round table 5: Engineering in the face of major social challenges " VIII Congreso Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI. Asociacion Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2021.
  • Round table "Business model for the electrification of the difficult last five percent. Special session : challenges and opportunities in universal electricity access" 14th IEEE PowerTech Conference 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES); y Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Online. Jun 2021.
  • Round table "Electricity for the last mile" Regulation for Sustainable Development Goal 7 Course. Florence school of regulation (FSR). Online. May 2021.
  • Presentation "Alliances against climate change". Cátedra de Cooperación y desarrollo sostenible. Universitat Jaume I (UJI). Castellon de la Plana (Spain). Apr 2021.
show 16 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

  • Organization of "Energy Communities and Poverty". Instituto de la Ingeniería de España (IIE). Madrid (Spain). Nov 2022.
  • Organization of "How to reach 5 million electric vehicles in 2030? Challenges and opportunities II". Asociación/Colegio Nacional de Ingenieros de ICAI; Fundación Caminos; y Observatorio del Vehículo Eléctrico y Movilidad Sostenible (OVEMS). Madrid (Spain). Oct 2021.
  • Organization of "How to reach 5 million electric vehicles in 2030? Challenges and opportunities I". Asociación/Colegio Nacional de Ingenieros de ICAI; Fundación Caminos; y Observatorio del Vehículo Eléctrico y Movilidad Sostenible (OVEMS). Madrid (Spain). Sep 2020.
  • Organization of "V Anniversary of the Table for Universal Access to Energy «Working together for universal access to energy»". Mesa de Acceso Universal a la Energía (MAUE). Madrid (Spain). Feb 2020.
  • Organization of "Universal energy access. Isolated rural electrification. Vision in Ibero-America". Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (AECID). Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). Jun 2016.
show 5 organization of scientific meetings

External Training Courses

  • Module 14. Universal Access to Energy. Criteria for electrification with individual photovoltaic systems, in 17º Máster propio en Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid (Spain). Jun 2022.
  • Electrification in Mexico. Lesson 2: Experiences in electrification and clean cooking, in Regulation for Sustainable Development Goal 7 Course. Florence School of Regulation (FSR), Online. May 2022.
  • Access to basic services: electricity, in Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones en Cooperación para el desarrollo. Fundación Ingenieros ICAI; y Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid (Spain). Apr 2022.
  • Challenges and opportunities for electrification of the last mile with renewable energies, in Programa de especialización en Energías Renovables. Módulo III Energías renovables y desarrollo sostenible. Escuela de gestión Pública. Universidad del Pacífico, Online. Mar 2022.
  • Renewable energies and universal access to electricity in Latin America, in Máster de Energías Renovables. Universidad Nacional de Jaén, Online. Nov 2021.
  • Module 14. Universal Energy Access, in Máster Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid (Spain). Jun 2021.
  • Power supply models, in Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones en Cooperación para el desarrollo. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicaciones. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid (Spain). Apr 2021.
  • 2nd edition MOOC ODS: An unavoidable transformation. Module 2. Organizations and the ODS. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid (Spain). Mar 2020 - Apr 2020.
show 8 external training courses

External Relevant Positions

  • Vice President of the Engineering and Sustainable Development Technical Committee Instituto de la Ingeniería de España. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021 - Today.
  • Member of the Council Asociación de Ingenieros de ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2020 - Today.
  • Board member of the ICAI Engineers Foundation Asociación de Ingenieros de ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2020 - Today.
  • Promoter and founding member Mesa de Acceso Universal a la Energía (MAUE). May 2014.
  • Evaluator of "IRENA/ADFD Project Facility" International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); y Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD). Jan 2013 - Dec 2014.
show 5 external relevant positions

Media and research dissemination

  • "Energy for development". Norvento Enerxía. (Jul 2020)
  • "Access to energy and water to communities without coverage". Observatorio empresarial contra la pobreza. (Jan 2018)
  • "Lighting today to develop the future". Revista Amaray, Energía y desarrollo para zonas rurales. Nº 12. (Jun 2017)
show 3 media and research dissemination

Fellowships and Awards

  • "XXVI Javier Benjumea Award 2020". Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI - Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2020.
  • Director of prizewinning work in "Fundación Ingenieros ICAI para el Desarrollo Prize for the best final year project. PFC Supervisor «Planificación integrada de electrificación de comunidades rurales aisladas mediante sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) aplicada a la isla de Santo Tomé» by Jose Luis Parrondo". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2013.
show 2 fellowships and awards