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Join the IIT Team
Dr. Juan Rivier Abbad
Current position:
Research Area:
Energy Economics and Regulation
Membership dates:
29/jun/1992 - 31/Mar/1999
Journal Publications
Reneses, J., Gómez, T., Rivier, J., Angarita, J.L.,
Electricity tariff design for transition economies: application to the Libyan power system
Energy Economics
. Vol. 33, nº. 1, pp. 33 - 43, January 2011. [Online: April 2010]
JCR: Q1 (2011); 13,600 Q1 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2011); 3,555 Q1 (2023)
Frías, P., Gómez, T., Cossent, R., Rivier, J.,
Improvements in current European network regulation to facilitate the integration of distributed generation
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
. Vol. 31, nº. 9, pp. 445 - 451, October 2009. [Online: April 2009]
JCR: 1,613 (2009); 5,000 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 1,711 Q1 (2023)
Rodríguez, M., Pérez-Arriaga, I.J., Rivier, J., Peco, J.,
Distribution network tariffs: a closed question?
Energy Policy
. Vol. 36, nº. 5, pp. 1712 - 1725, May 2008. [Online: March 2008]
JCR: 1,755 (2008); 9,300 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 2,388 Q1 (2023)
Méndez, V., Rivier, J., Gómez, T.,
Assessment of energy distribution losses for increasing penetration of distributed generation
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 21, nº. 2, pp. 533 - 540, May 2006. [Online: May 2006]
JCR: 0,922 (2006); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,827 Q1 (2023)
Méndez, V., Rivier, J., de la Fuente, J.I., Gómez, T., Arceluz, J., Marín, J., Madurga, A.,
Impact of distributed generation on distribution investment deferral
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
. Vol. 28, nº. 4, pp. 244 - 252, May 2006. [Online: January 2006]
JCR: 0,232 (2006); 5,000 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 1,711 Q1 (2023)
Fabbri, A., Gómez, T., Rivier, J., Méndez, V.,
Assessment of the cost associated with wind generation prediction errors in a liberalized electricity market
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 20, nº. 3, pp. 1440 - 1446, August 2005. [Online: August 2005]
JCR: 0,951 (2005); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,827 Q1 (2023)
Rivier, J.,
Discussion on “Distribution access pricing: application of the OFTEL rule to a yardstick competition scheme
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 19, nº. 4, pp. 2114 - 2115, November 2004. [Online: November 2004]
JCR: 0,821 (2004); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,827 Q1 (2023)
Rivier, J., Gómez, T., de la Fuente, J.I., Vásconez, L., Vargas, G., Miguélez, M.,
Proceso de evaluación de nuevas instalaciones potencialmente perturbadoras e implantación en un programa informático
. Nº. 3, pp. 103 - 111, May 2000.
Rivier, J., Román, J., Gómez, T., de la Fuente, J.I.,
La regulación de la calidad del servicio eléctrico
Anales de Mecánica y Electricidad
. Vol. LXXVI, nº. I, pp. 30 - 38, January 1999.
show 9 journal publications
Writing of the Unión Fenosa's manual on quality of the electrical service
. Carried out for
Unión Fenosa
. Jul/2007-Oct/2007
Simulation models for intelligent electricity distribution networks
. Carried out for
. Jun/2007-Sep/2009
Wind energy trading in the new context of the electricity market in Spain
. Carried out for
. Mar/2007-Feb/2008
Conceptual design and implementation support of an electricity tariffs model for GECOL Company of Libya
. Carried out for
. Feb/2007-Jul/2007
Economic and regulatory analysis for an active demand management
. Carried out for
Consorcio GAD
. Jan/2007-Dec/2010
SOLID-DER: Coordinated action to consolidate RTD activities for large scale integration of DER into the European electricity market
. Carried out for
Comisión Europea
. Nov/2005-Mar/2008
Study and analysis of different regulatory aspects of the Spanish electrical system
. Carried out for
. Feb/2005-Jan/2006
Software for study and planning of high voltage distribution networks. The ANDREA project
. Carried out for
. Jan/2005-Jul/2006
DG-GRID - Enhancement of sustainable electricity supplythrough improvements of the regulatory framework of the distribution network for DG
. Carried out for
Comisión Europea
. Jan/2005-Jun/2007
Virtual Balkan Power Centre for advance of renewable energy sources in Western Balkans
. Carried out for
Comisión Europea
. Jan/2005-Dec/2006
Distribution network costs analysis and optimal access tariffs design
. Carried out for
. Jun/2004-May/2005
The development of a network reference model for the Spanish Electric Power System
. Carried out for
. Jun/2004-Dec/2005
Assessment of the initial rate base of electricity distribution companies in Panamá
. Carried out for
ERSP- Ente Regulador de los Servicios Públicos de Panamá
. Sep/2003-Mar/2004
Renewables and co-generation: implications of their integration in the Spanish wholesale market.
. Carried out for
. Sep/2003-Jul/2004
Conceptual design of electrical end-user tariff in Costa Rica
. Carried out for
Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
. Apr/2003-Nov/2003
Not Available
. Carried out for
. Feb/2003-Dec/2003
Not Available
. Carried out for
. Oct/2002-Sep/2003
Foundations and trends of liberalization models in electricity markets.
. Carried out for
. Oct/2001-Oct/2002
Distributed Generation regulatory impact
. Carried out for
. Jul/2001-Jun/2002
Romanian Commercial Operator Tariff Design
. Carried out for
IDOM Ingeniería
. Mar/2001-Jun/2001
Argentinean tariff revision
. Carried out for
UTE PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Mercados Energéticos
. Feb/2001-Apr/2002
Panama tariff revision
. Carried out for
Mercados Energéticos
. Feb/2001-Apr/2002
Design and Implementation of a Rural Electrification Project for Off-Grid Communities in Latin America (Phase I)
. Carried out for
Asociación de Ingenieros del ICAI
. Sep/2000-Dec/2000
Design of the electrical supply system of the Metrosur underground line
. Carried out for
Metro de Madrid (en colaboración con AEPO)
. Sep/2000-Nov/2000
Reliability and power quality manual analysis (Phase I).
. Carried out for
Delsur S.A. de C.V
. Jul/2000-Sep/2000
Continuity of supply regulation in the Republic of Guatemala. Comparative analysis
. Carried out for
Unión Fenosa
. May/2000-May/2000
Power quality technical regulation design
. Carried out for
Unión Fenosa Distribución
. May/2000-Sep/2000
Study about overvoltages due to capacitor switching in high voltage networks
. Carried out for
. Mar/2000-Apr/2000
Electrical energy transmission and distribution in Argentina. Technical and regulatory aspects revision
. Carried out for
. Feb/2000-Mar/2000
Development of recommendations to improve the level of protection against lightning in Unión Fenosa's power network
. Carried out for
Unión Fenosa
. Nov/1999-Oct/2000
Quality of supply. Development of a software package for analysis and treatment of customers with potentially disruptive industrial installations
. Carried out for
Unión Fenosa Distribución
. Nov/1997-Nov/1999
show 31 projects
Ph.D. Thesis
J. Rivier (1999),
Calidad del servicio, regulación y optimización de inversiones
. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain).
M. Rodríguez (2016),
Diseño de tarifas eléctricas: tarifas de redes de distribución
. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain).
V. Méndez (2005),
Generación distribuida: aspectos técnicos y su tratamiento regulatorio
. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain).
show 3 Ph.D. Thesis
Conference Papers
García-González, J., Gómez, T., Rivier, J., Ostos, P.,
Optimal strategies for selling wind power in mid-term energy auctions
IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting - IEEE PES GM 2009
, Calgary (Canada). 26-30 July 2009. In:
IEEE PES GM 2009: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4241-6
Frías, P., Gómez, T., Rivier, J.,
Integration of distributed generation in distribution networks: regulatory challenges
16th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2008
, Glasgow (United Kingdom). 14-18 July 2008.
Frías, P., Gómez, T., Rivier, J.,
Regulation of distribution system operators with high penetration of distributed generation
IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2007
, Lausanne (Switzerland). 01-05 July 2007.
Rivier, J., Méndez, V., Gómez, T.,
Limits in the integration of wind farms in the Spanish wholesale electrical market
6th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms
, Delft (Netherlands). 26-28 October 2006.
Gallego-Preciado, M.A., Gómez, T., Peco, J., Rivier, J.,
Long-term investment decision model for electricity subtransmission expansion planning
11th International Energy Conference & Exhibition - ENERGEX 2006
, Stavanger (Norway). 12-15 June 2006.
Frías, P., Gómez, T., Rivier, J.,
DG network integration. Regulatory review and international comparison of EU-15 MS
Virtual Balkan Power Centre (VBPC) Workshop
, Skopje (Macedonia). 02-03 March 2006.
Gallego-Preciado, M.A., Gómez, T., Peco, J., Rivier, J.,
A mix-integer NLP approach for subtransmission expansion planning
I Congreso de la Asociación Española para la Economía Energética
, Madrid (Spain). 16-17 January 2006.
Pop, M., Watt, M., Rivier, J., Birch, A.,
Tariff implications for the value of PV to residential customers
43rd Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Annual Conference - ANZSES 2005
, Dunedin (New Zealand). 28-30 November 2005.
Rivier, J., Rouco, L., del Castillo, J., Vindel, D., Vargas, G., Herranz, A.,
Evaluation of lightning protection of unshielded 132kV overhead lines using surge arresters
13th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering - ISH 2003
, Delft (Netherlands). 25-29 August 2003. In:
ISH 2003: Proceedings of the XIIIth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering : Delft, Netherlands, August 25 - 29, 2003 — [Elektronische Ressource] (English)
, e-ISBN: 9077017798
Méndez, V., Rivier, J., de la Fuente, J.I., Gómez, T., Arceluz, J., Marín, J., Madurga, A.,
A Monte Carlo approach for assessment of investments deferral in radial distribution networks with distributed generation
IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2003
, Bologna (Italy). 22-26 June 2003.
Rodríguez, M., Rivier, J., Gómez, T., Ortiz, S.,
Practical experience of benchmarking to estimate distribution companies’ revenues
IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2003
, Bologna (Italy). 22-26 June 2003.
Rivier, J., Gómez, T.,
Critical analysis of Spanish power quality regulation design
2003 Market Design Conference
, Stockholm (Sweden). 16-17 June 2003. In:
Methods to regulate unbundled transmission and distribution business on electricity markets: A summary of papers and presentations from the Market Design 2003-conference in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, 16-17 June 2003
, ISBN: .
Cimadevila, J., Rivier, J.,
Characterisation of special events in new power quality regulation frameworks
3rd Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - MED POWER 2002
, Athens (Greece). 04-06 November 2002.
Méndez, V., Rivier, J., de la Fuente, J.I., Gómez, T., Arceluz, J., Marín, J.,
Impact of Distributed Generation on Distribution Losses
3rd Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - MED POWER 2002
, Athens (Greece). 04-06 November 2002.
Rivier, J., Rouco, L., Criado Calero, R., Irizar, M.,
Modelado de redes de alta tensión para el análisis de sobretensiones de maniobra debidas a baterias de condensadores
7as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Madrid (Spain). 04-06 July 2001.
Méndez, V., Rivier, J., Gómez, T.,
Tratamiento Regulatorio de las Pérdidas en el Mercado Eléctrico Español
7as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Madrid (Spain). 04-06 July 2001.
Perán, F., Rivier, J., Gómez, T., Rubio-Odériz, F.,
Visión integral de la regulación de la continuidad del suministro en el nuevo marco regulativo del sector eléctrico
7as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Madrid (Spain). 04-06 July 2001.
Rivier, J., Gómez, T.,
A conceptual framework for power quality regulation
9th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power - ICHQP 2000
, Orlando (United States of America). 01-04 October 2000.
Gómez, T., Rivier, J.,
Distribution and power quality regulation uder electricity competition. A comparative study
9th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power - ICHQP 2000
, Orlando (United States of America). 01-04 October 2000.
Rivier, J., Gómez, T., de la Fuente, J.I., Vásconez, L., Vargas, G., Miguélez, M.,
Evaluation process of new potentially disturbing installations implemented in a computer program.
DA/DSM DistribuTech Europe & Power Delivery Europe Conference
, Madrid (Spain). 28-30 September 1999.
Rivier, J., de la Fuente, J.I., Gómez, T., Román, J.,
Power quality regulation under the new regulatory framework of distribution systems
13th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 1999
, Trondheim (Norway). 28 June - 02 July 1999.
Román, J., Rivier, J.,
Reliability analysis of distribution systems considering sub-unavailabilities
European Safety and Reliability Conference - ESREL 1997
, Lisbon (Portugal). 17-19 June 1997. In:
Advances in Safety and Reliability: Proceedings of the ESREL '97 International Conference on Safety and Reliability 17 - 20 June, 1997, Lisbon Portugal, vol. Vol. 1
, ISBN: 0-08-042835-5
Rivier, J., Román, J., Gómez, T., de la Fuente, J.I.,
La regulación de la calidad del servicio eléctrico
5as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Salamanca (Spain). 03 May 1997.
Román, J., Rivier, J., Carrillo Caicedo, G., Vicente Ramírez, S.,
Selection of the best location and investment on equipment for the improvement of continuity of supply in distribution systems
4th International Conference on Distribution Automation and Demand Side Management - DA/DSM '94
, Orlando (United States of America). 17-20 January 1994.
Carrillo Caicedo, G., Román, J., Rivier, J., Vicente Ramírez, S.,
Metodología coste-beneficio aplicada a la instalación de equipos de localización y seccionamiento del tramo con avería en redes de distribución
3as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Barcelona (Spain). 01-03 July 1993.
show 25 conference papers
Books and Book Chapters
Rivier, J.,
Calidad del servicio. Regulación y optimización de inversiones
. Ed. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid, Spain, 2000.
show 1 books and book chapters
Invited Conferences and Seminars
"A theoretical framework for comparison of supporting mechanisms for renewable generation"
2nd Decision Maker's Workshop "Regulatory framework for RES penetration support".
University of Tuzla
. Neum (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Sep 2006.
show 1 invited conferences and seminars
Technical Reports
García-González, J., Contreras, A., Saiz, E., Fernandes, C., Vallés, M., Rivero, E., Lobato, E., Ramos, A., Frías, P., Egido, I., Sánchez, P., Altiparmakis, A., Litong-Palima, M., Cutululis, N. A., Sørensen, P., Stryg, M., Hansen, J., Detlefsen, N., Villumsen, J.C., Andersen, J., Wöllner, S., Falk, K.L., Ostos, P., Rivier, J., Azpiri, I., et al., ,
Economic impact analysis of the demonstrations in task-forces TF1 and TF3
. Project: TWENTIES / WP15 / D15.1. Funded by
Comisión Europea
whitin "FP7-ENERGY". Nov/2013.
Gómez, T., Rivier, J., Frías, P., Ropenus, S., Van der Welle, A., Bauknecht, D.,
Guidelines for improvement on the short term of electricity distribution network regulation for enhancing the share of DG
. Project: DG-GRID / WP4 / D12/D13. Funded by
Comisión Europea
whitin "Intelligent Energy-Europe (IEE)". Jun/2007.
Rivier, J.,
Estudo de Lotares 1.0
. Sep/1993.
Román, J., Rivier, J., Vicente Ramírez, S.,
Advanced reliability analysis of distribution systems considering sub-unavailabilities
. Jul/1993.
Rivier, J., Román, J.,
Modelado del efecto de los equipos de señalización y seccionamiento en la continuidad de suministros
. May/1993.
show 5 technical reports
Working Papers
Cimadevila, J., Rivier, J.,
Measure-based method for detection of special events in power distribution
, January 2006
Rodríguez, M., Pérez-Arriaga, I.J., Rivier, J., Peco, J.,
Tarifas de Redes de Distribución: ¿Un Problema Resuelto?
, January 2004
show 2 working papers
External Training Courses
Master on Electrical Industry Regulation
. Carried out for
. Feb/2007-Feb/2008
FSR e-learning course on Regulation of Energy Utilities (2º Edition)
. Carried out for
Florence School of Regulation
. Feb/2007-Jul/2007
Conference «The regulation of distributed generation» on the Conference «Distributed generation. A viable alternative in Castilla-La-Mancha»
. Carried out for
Universidad Castilla-La Mancha
. Dec/2006-Dec/2006
Course and Workshop «Incentive-based regulation» of FSR
. Carried out for
Florence School of Regulation
. Nov/2006-Nov/2006
On-line training program in Electricity Sector Regulation. Fourth edition.
. Carried out for
Centro de Educación a Distancia para el Desarrollo Económico y Tecnológico (CEDDET)
. Oct/2006-Mar/2007
Coordination of 3, 8, 10 and 11 blocks on the Master in gas and electricity of the Higher Institute of Energy
. Carried out for
Fundación Repsol YPF
. Oct/2006-Jul/2007
Specialized services on tariff system of the electricity sector - Costa Rica
. Carried out for
. Sep/2006-Sep/2006
Not Available
. Carried out for
The Florence School of Regulation
. Feb/2006-Jun/2006
Not Available
. Carried out for
Centro de Educación a Distancia para el Desarrollo Económico y Tecnológico (CEDDET)
. Oct/2005-Feb/2006
Not Available
. Carried out for
REE (Red Eléctrica de España)
. May/2005-Jul/2005
Not Available
. Carried out for
Centro de Educación a Distancia para el Desarrollo Económico y Tecnológico (CEDDET)
. Nov/2004-Mar/2005
Not Available
. Carried out for
EES-UETP Association
. Jun/2004-Jun/2004
Not Available
. Carried out for
Autorità per l' Energia Elettrica e il Gas
. Jun/2004-Jun/2004
Not Available
. Carried out for
Centro de Educación a Distancia para el Desarrollo Económico y Tecnológico (CEDDET)
. Oct/2003-Feb/2004
Not Available
. Carried out for
EES-UETP Association
. Mar/2003-Mar/2003
Not Available
. Carried out for
. Mar/2000-May/2000
show 16 external training courses