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Dr. Jesús Tordesillas Torres

Current position:
Assistant Professor
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Jesús Tordesillas obtained the BS and MS in Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 2016 and 2019, respectively, majoring in Electronics and Robotics. Later, he received the MS and PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2019 and 2022 respectively, majoring in Robotics (Control). In 2019 he worked at the NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. In 2022 he did a postdoc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and in 2023-2024 he did another postdoc at ETH Zurich, both in Robotics. Since June 2024 he has been an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics, Automation, and Communications of Comillas ICAI.

Areas of interest:

Deep Learning, Autonomous Navigation for Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Optimization.



Languages: C, C++, Python, VHDL.

Robotics: ROS, Gazebo, Eigen, PCL, PyTorch, Chainer, OpenCV, CGAL, Vrep, RobotStudio.

Optimization: IPOPT, CasADi, Gurobi, CVXGEN, YALMIP, Google OR-Tools, GPOPS.

Engineering: Matlab, Mathematica, Labview, SysML, Ladder Logic (KOP), Grafcet, Rapid.

Modeling: Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks, Autodesk Autocad, Autodesk Factory Design, Adobe Illustrator, KeyShot, Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, SolidThinking.

Electronics: Xilinx ISE, OrCad, Atmel Studio, Proteus, Psim.


Sensors: Velodyne, Realsense, ZED.

Onboard Computers and Autopilots: Snapdragon Flight, Jetson TX2, Intel NUC, Naze32.

MOCAP: Vicon and Optitrack.

Other Boards: AtMega2560, FPGAs, Arduino, inverters and rectifiers.

Mechatronics: 3D-Printers, PCB design, laser cutting, welding and metal lathes.

Journal Publications

show 7 journal publications

Conference Papers

show 5 conference papers

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Seminar "Trajectory planning and constraint guarantees with neural networks". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2024.
show 1 invited conferences and seminars

Fellowships and Awards

show 4 fellowships and awards

Other Activities

  • Reviewer in "IEEE Transaction on Robotics". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE. Piscataway (United States of America). Jan 2018 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "International Journal of Robotics Research". Sage Publications Ltd. London (United Kingdom). Jan 2018 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters". IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Piscataway (United States of America). Jan 2018 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "IEEE Control Systems Magazine". IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Piscataway (United States of America). Jan 2018 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "IEEE Access". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE. Piscataway (United States of America). Jan 2018 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems". Springer. Dordrecht (Netherlands). Jan 2018 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS". IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jan 2018 - Today.
  • Reviewer in "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - ICRA". IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jan 2018 - Today.
show 8 other activities