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Dr. Luis Francisco Sánchez Merchante

Current position:
Assistant Professor
Research Area:
Association date:
AA25. D-420
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2378
Researcher ID:
Google Scholar ID:


Luis Fco. Sánchez is a Telecommunications Engineer by the UPM and has completed his studies with a Master's degree in Multimedia and Communications by the UC3M and a PhD in Information Technology specialized in Machine Learning from the Technological University of Compiègne. He has been a university lecturer for 6 years at the UCLM and has accumulated more than 12 years of experience in the private sector in the field of technology and analysis. During these years he has specialized in advanced analytics on Big Data platforms for leading companies in their sectors such as Amadeus, Bankia or Alstom. His experience is focused on the application of artificial intelligence for the development of consumption propensity models, the use of automatic learning algorithms in the field of smart cities and the research of new supervised and unsupervised application mechanisms in the transport sector. He has been a lecturer at Universidad Pontificia Comillas since 2019 in the double degree of "Business Analysis / Business Analytics and Law" and "Business Administration and Management and Business Analysis" of ICADE, in the master's degree of "Big Data, Technology and Advanced Analysis" and in the degree of Telecommunications of ICAI.

Areas of interest:

Advanced analytics on Big Data platforms Machine Learning Smart cities


Big Data Data Scientist for ALSTOM (2017 - 2019).
Big Data Data Scientist for BANKIA (2015 - 2017).
Big Data Data Scientist for AMADEUS (2014 - 2015]).
Research Engineer for CNRS (2010 - 2013).
Associated Lecturer for Universidad de Castilla la Mancha (2004 - 2010).
Customer Service Engineer para EMC (2004 - 2010).


Unsupervised machine learning: Clustering Supervised machine learning: neural networks, random forests, gradient booster... Reinforcement learning Representation learning Image, video, audio processing

Journal Publications

show 5 journal publications

Ph.D. Thesis

show 2 Ph.D. Thesis

Other Activities

  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Monteagudo Honrubia, M. «Machine Learning techniques to enhance the capacitive sensing of microwave resonant structures»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2024.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Ospina Mateus, H. «El comportamiento, los conflictos de tráfico y los factores asociados con la accidentalidad de los motociclistas en las intersecciones de las vías de Cartagena»". Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - PUJ. Bogotá (Colombia). Dec 2021.
show 2 other activities