Assessment of the causes of failure in power group of 50 Mwe of the Central Termosolar Andasol 3, Granada, developed for: Marquesado Solar S.L.
Assessment of the possible sinister causes of Compressor-Turbine Group of combined cycle gas PRESIDENTE JUAREZ, (México), developed for: RTS Tasadores de Seguros.
Certification of record of treatment plant wastewater by evaporation to the granting of certification I+D+i, developed for: TUV Rheinland.
Certification of record of pneumatic airlocks system in cold rooms for improving energy efficiency, developed for: TUV Rheinland.
Identification of the causes of fire of a machine Backloe loader TEREX 860 SX, Serial number: SMFH445C0ACJM9088 in Túnez, developed for: Terex Equipment and Machinery España S.L.U.
Assessment of the causes of malfunction in counterweight pulley of lift FAIN installed on the Hotel Vela (Barcelona), developed for: FAIN Ascensores, S.A.
Study on the hydraulic calculation of flows and pre-existing pressures in the extinct building Windsor of Madrid, developed for: Pluvia Recursos S.L. (Sociedad de Peritación Técnica Especializada).
Assessment of food production and quality of rising and recovery of fine sand installation POWERSCREEN 20x6 RINSER and FINES MASTER 200, acquired to Terex Equipment and Machinery España S.L.U. and exploited by Áridos Vilga, developed for: Terex Equipment and Machinery España S.L.U.
Assessment of the solution of reinforcement in a polar axis follower of photovoltaic plant of Calañas (Huelva), developed for: Termisol.
Development of an oleo-hydraulic system for actuation of cylindrical parabolic solar collector, developed for: Sistemas Avanzados de Control (SAC).
Assessment of the causes of the state of wear of TROMMEL GALAXY DS, 933 Model, serial number 20500010, of the waste treatment plant of construction and demolition DETECSA TECREC, sita en Valdemingómez (Madrid), developed for: Terex Equipment and Machinery España S.L.U.
Valuation sinister in heavy crusher machine TEREX, BL PEGSON 427 model, serial number 280154CC, developed for: Belzuz Abogados.
Development of a test bed for characterization of environmental aromatization equipment, developed for: A de Aroma.
Optimization of a domestic system of shower of heat recovery, developed for: INVESYDE.
Assessment of the adequacy of the process for obtaining biodiesel from sunflower oil on processing plant of Cuenca, developed for: Técnicas Reunidas.
Development of a flat thermal solar collector of low temperature and low cost, developed for: Santander Investment.
Fluid dynamic characterization of transponder AIRBUS TXT-2000, developed for: Electrónica Aranjuez.
Assessment of the causes of explosion of filtrate chamber in equipment zincado of the company Zincados Fog, Mejorada del Campo (Madrid), developed for: Belzuz Abogados.
Analysis of the causes and remedies of water hammer in pasteurisation plant of carbonated drinks, developed for: COCA COLA (GASBEGA S.A.).
Study of the behavior of circulation valves Johnson Controls VG7201ES Dv21.BCv1.9 TB120 L0027 and two actuators VA-7312-8001, developed for: Johnson Controls.
Analysis of the behavior under cyclic thermal stress of solution bonding flange-turbo, engine K9, tube Eaton Aeroquip Ref. 82 according to Standard Renault 34 07 000 A, developed for: Eaton Aeroquip.
Evaluation of sinister causes in exchanger heat recovery of cogeneration plant of Chamartín (Madrid), developed for: Peritos Tasadores Asociados, S.L.
Evaluation of sinister causes in hydraulic press J. DIEFFENBACHER & CO, EPPINGEN type of stamping of sheet in the factory of SEAT in Martorell, developed for: Peritos Tasadores Asociados, S.L.
Evaluation of sinister causes of two diesel motors DEUTZ, TDB620V16 type of 1.450 kW in cogeneration plant Río Pirón, developed for: Peritos Tasadores Asociados, S.L.
Technical supervision of the construction of a treatment plant and recovery of municipal solid waste and facilities in Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real), developed for: Mancomunidad de Servicios Comsermancha.
Development of a training bench generation and compressed air treatment with dual-stage reciprocating compressor with indicated diagram, developed for: TCA Zaragoza.
Designing a test bench rotodynamic pumps with capacity up to 10,000 m3 / h with electromagnetic flowmeters, developed for: Ingersoll Dresser Pump.