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Dr. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Fornié

Current position:
Research Associate
Association date:
RF4. P1.22
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2782


Miguel A. Sanchez Fornié graduated in 1974 from the ETSI (ICAI) as Electromechanical Engineer, he also obtained a Nuclear Security Diploma from the MIT (Boston, 1977), and took a doctorate course in "Advanced Subjects of Regulation in the Electrical Sector" (2008). He joined Hidroeléctrica Española in 1974, where he was assigned to work on the Cofrentes nuclear power plant project in the first stage of his career, when he had the opportunity to work for General Electric in San José (California). Subsequently, he participated in the operation of Hidrola's electrical system, where he was responsible for its new control system. In 1991, as a result of the merger with Iberduero, he took responsibility for telecommunications, becoming involved in all its business aspects. Since 2003, he was also responsible for distribution control systems. In 2016 he took charge of the Global Management of Smart Grids of the Iberdrola group. Since 1980 he has been collaborating with the IIT in various research projects related to the Electricity Sector, participating in several projects under the financing of FP7 and H2020 programs of the European Commission. Since 2002 he has been teaching Intelligent Networks in different Master courses at Comillas University.

Areas of interest:

Power engineering. Power systems regulation. Power systems planning and operation. Power systems asset management. Smart grids. Telecommunications systems and operations. Telecommunications for power systems. Cybersecurity, Big data analysis and artificial intelligence on power systems.

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Conference "Skills for the twin green and digital transition" European Sustainable Energy Week - EUSEW 2022. EDDIE Project; EdgeFLEX Project; IEEE PES Task Force; DG EMPL.B2; y DG ENER. Online. Sep 2022.
  • Chair in "Special session: Digitalization technologies" 14th IEEE PowerTech Conference 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES); y Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Online. Jul 2021.
  • Conference "Education in digital within the energy sector: the EDDIE project. Session 8: Education in the digital era for digitalization" 3rd IEEE International Forum on Smart Grids for Smart Cities - ISG4SC 2021. IEEE Smart Grid; y RWTH Aachen University. Aachen (Germany). Mar 2021.
  • Chair in "Master in Smart Grids. Session: The need of the smart grids for our society. The need of educating engineers on smart grids". Escuela Superior de Ingeniería ICAI. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2018.
show 4 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

  • Organization of "European Sustainable Energy Week - EUSEW 2022. Session: Skills for the twin green and digital transition". EDDIE Project; EdgeFLEX Project; IEEE PES Task Force; DG EMPL.B2; y DG ENER. Online. Sep 2022.
show 1 organization of scientific meetings

External Relevant Positions

  • member of the Guiding Group of Futured FUTURED. Zaragoza (Spain). Jun 2019 - Today.
show 1 external relevant positions

Media and research dissemination

show 1 media and research dissemination