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Dr. Manuel Chazarra Jover
Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Energy Systems Models
Membership dates:
01/sep/2011 - 31/Aug/2012
Journal Publications
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J., Helseth, A.,
Economic effects of forecasting inaccuracies in the automatic frequency restoration service for the day-ahead energy and reserve scheduling of pumped storage plants
Electric Power Systems Research
. Vol. 174, pp. 105850-1 - 105850-9, September 2019. [Online: May 2019]
JCR: 3,211 Q2 (2019); 3,300 Q2 (2023) - SJR: 1,042 Q1 (2019); 1,029 Q1 (2023)
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J., Praus, R.,
Economic viability of pumped-storage power plants participating in the secondary regulation service
Applied Energy
. Vol. 216, pp. 224 - 233, April 2018. [Online: February 2018]
JCR: 8,426 Q1 (2018); 10,100 Q1 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2018); 2,820 Q1 (2023)
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J.,
Optimal joint energy and secondary regulation reserve hourly scheduling of variable speed pumped storage hydropower plants
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 33, nº. 1, pp. 103 - 115, January 2018. [Online: April 2017]
JCR: 6,807 Q1 (2018); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2018); 3,827 Q1 (2023)
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J.,
Value of perfect information of spot prices in the joint energy and reserve hourly scheduling of pumped storage plants
Electric Power Systems Research
. Vol. 148, pp. 303 - 310, July 2017. [Online: April 2017]
JCR: 2,856 Q2 (2017); 3,300 Q2 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2017); 1,029 Q1 (2023)
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J.,
Deriving optimal end of day storage for pumped-storage power plants in the joint energy and reserve day-ahead scheduling
. Vol. 10, nº. 6, pp. 813-1 - 813-18, June 2017. [Online: June 2017]
JCR: 2,676 Q3 (2017); 3,000 Q3 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2017); 0,651 Q1 (2023)
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J.,
Optimal energy and reserve scheduling of pumped-storage power plants considering hydraulic short-circuit operation
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 32, nº. 1, pp. 344 - 353, January 2017. [Online: March 2016]
JCR: 5,255 Q1 (2017); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2017); 3,827 Q1 (2023)
Chazarra, M., García-González, J., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Arteseros, M.,
Stochastic optimization model for the weekly scheduling of a hydropower system in day-ahead and secondary regulation reserve markets
Electric Power Systems Research
. Vol. 130, pp. 67 - 77, January 2016. [Online: September 2015]
JCR: 2,688 Q2 (2016); 3,300 Q2 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2016); 1,029 Q1 (2023)
Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Chazarra, M., García-González, J., Cavazzini, G., Stoppato, A.,
Trends and challenges in the operation of pumped-storage hydropower plants
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
. Vol. 44, pp. 767 - 784, April 2015. [Online: January 2015]
JCR: 6,798 Q1 (2015); 16,300 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,596 Q1 (2023)
show 8 journal publications
Udating of the decission support tool EXLA and development of the water value curves module
. Carried out for
. Jan/2012-Sep/2012
Improvements on the short-term model considering detailed characteristics of hydroelectric units, and consolidation of the medium-term stochastic tool.
. Carried out for
. Jan/2011-Dec/2011
Extension of the optimization model to include secondary reserve, the simulation module and the particularities of the subsystems of Endesa
. Carried out for
. Sep/2010-Dec/2010
Adapting EXLA for short-term studies, and improvements of the stochastic model
. Carried out for
. Jul/2009-Jul/2010
show 4 projects
Ph.D. Thesis
M. Chazarra (2017),
Optimal joint day-ahead energy and secondary regulation reserve scheduling of pumped-storage power plants operating with variable speed or in hydraulic short-circuit mode in the Iberian electricity market
. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Madrid (Spain).
show 1 Ph.D. Thesis
Conference Papers
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J., Helseth, A.,
Economic impact of forecasting errors in residual reserve curves in the day-ahead scheduling of pumped storage plants
12th IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2017
, Manchester (United Kingdom). 18-22 June 2017. In:
2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-1-5090-4238-8
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J.,
Optimal energy and reserve scheduling of pumped-storage power plants considering hydraulic short-circuit operation
12th IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2017
, Manchester (United Kingdom). 18-22 June 2017. In:
2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-1-5090-4238-8
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J.,
Economic viability of pumped-storage power plants equipped with ternary units and considering hydraulic short-circuit operation
Hydropower Plants Performance and Flexible Operation Towards Lean Integration of New Renewable Energies Symposium - HYPERBOLE 2017
, Porto (Portugal). 02-03 February 2017. In:
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 813
, ISSN: 1742-6588
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J.,
Value of perfect information of spot prices in the joint energy and reserve hourly scheduling of pumped storage plants
13th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM16
, Porto (Portugal). 06-09 June 2016. In:
IEEE EEM 2016: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1299-2
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J., Helseth, A.,
Modeling the real-time use of reserves in the joint energy and reserve hourly scheduling of a pumped storage plant
5th International Workshop on Hydro Scheduling in Competitive Electricity Markets
, Trondheim (Norway). 17-18 September 2015. In:
Energy Procedia, vol. 87
, ISSN: 1876-6102
Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J.,
Optimal operation of variable speed pumped storage hydropower plants participating in secondary regulation reserve markets
11th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM14
, Krakow (Poland). 28-30 May 2014.
show 6 conference papers
Invited Conferences and Seminars
"Optimización de la gestión de embalses. EXLA"
6ª Jornada de Sistemas Industriales y Tecnologías Energéticas - JOSITE'2010.
Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas
. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2010.
show 1 invited conferences and seminars
Working Papers
Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Chazarra, M., García-González, J., Cavazzini, G., Stoppato, A.,
Trends and challenges in the operation of pumped-storage hydropower plants
, September 2014
show 1 working papers