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Dra. María Domínguez Gago

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Area:
Association date:
RF4. P1.29
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 4526
Researcher ID:
Google Scholar ID:


María Domínguez Gago graduated in Industrial Engineering from Comillas Pontifical University in 2007 and started working as a Research Assistant at the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT). In 2012 she spent 3 months at Sophia University in Tokyo. In 2013 she obtained her PhD and received the Honorable Mention for the best Ph.D. Thesis Engineering of the year from Comillas Pontifical University. She then moved to the USA. In 2023 she rejoined the Railway Systems Area of the IIT as a Postdoctoral Researcher.

Areas of interest:

Modelling, análisis and simulation of railways systems. Optimization and energy efficiency. Eco-driving. ATO.

Journal Publications

show 6 journal publications


show 11 projects

Conference Papers

show 12 conference papers

International Exchanges

  • Jun - Aug 2012, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University. Tokyo (Japan).
show 1 international exchanges

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Conference "Energy efficiency on train control: design of metro ATO driving and impact of energy accumulation devices" 7th Workshop on Industrial Systems and Energy Technologies - JOSITE'2011. Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2011.
  • Seminar "Distribución óptima de holguras de tiempo en horarios de trenes con restricciones de puntualidad" 6ª Jornada de Sistemas Industriales y Tecnologías Energéticas - JOSITE'2010. Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2010.
show 2 invited conferences and seminars

Fellowships and Awards

  • «Mejora energética en la conducción ATO» "The 100 Best Ideas of the Year 2013". Actualidad Económica. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2014.
  • «Conducción eficiente de trenes metropolitanos con ATO» "Honorary Distinction to the best Doctoral Thesis on Engineering". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jan 2014.
  • «Conducción eficiente de trenes metropolitanos considerando la energía regenerada» "Second prize in XIII Talgo Award for Technological Innovation". Patentes Talgo S.L. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2013.
  • «Distribución óptima de holguras de tiempo en horarios de trenes con restricciones de puntualidad» "Premiado en IX Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT)". INSIA, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Foro de Ingeniería de los Transportes (FIT). Madrid (Spain). Jul 2010.
show 4 fellowships and awards