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Dr. Manuel Francisco Morales Contreras

Current position:
Associate Professor
Research Area:
Association date:
AA23. OD428
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2461
Researcher ID:
Google Scholar ID:


+18 years experience in Operations Management in different international corporations, with management responsibilities in different industries in USA, Sweden, France and Spain. Professor at ICADE since 2007 as well as coordinator of Operations Management courses at ICADE. Director of Master in International Management (MIM) at ICADE Business School.

Areas of interest:

Sustainability and global supply chain management; lean and efficient operations; process innovation; hospitality and healthcare sectors.

Journal Publications

show 11 journal publications

Media and research dissemination

  • "Madrid managed to have 5,000 more beds available in less than 15 days". La Razón. Sociedad. (Apr 2021)
show 1 media and research dissemination