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Dña. María del Socorro Gómez Pérez

Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Association date:
RF4. P4.12
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2768


Maria del Socorro Gómez Pérez obtained the degrees of Electrical Engineer and Master in Electrical Engineering from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (Colombia), and Specialist in Analytics from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. In her master project she worked on "Expansion Planning using BESS (Batery Energy Storage System)". He has 11 and a half years of experience in the electricity sector. In January 2024 she joined the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) at Comillas Pontifical University, where she works as a Predoctoral Researcher.

Areas of interest:

Optimization and modeling, power system operation and planning, power system operation and maintenance, decision support methods.


11 and a half years at ISA company dedicated to high voltage electric power transmission in Colombia and Latin America. He has operated the power transmission network in real time in the face of maintenance, disturbances and operational maneuvers in substation equipment and high voltage lines in Colombia. He has worked as an analyst of management equipment in transmission lines performing specialized analysis and continuous improvement for power transmission systems, as well as digitization projects called "Image Analytics in Transmission Lines" and MICI (Integral Management of Intelligent Corrosion).