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Dr. Néstor Pérez Mallada


Current position:
Visiting Professor
Research Area:
Membership dates:
29/May/2018 - 01/Sep/2024


Physical Therapist, Master in Health Law and Doctor in Biomedicine and Health Sciences. During 12 years he combines teaching at university with clinical practice and research, until 2009 when he joines the San Juan de Dios' University School of Nursing and Physical Therapy of the Pontifical University Comillas as Head of Physiotherapy Studies. At this university he has taught different subjects an has been Director of the Master in Biomechanics and Injuries Assessment and the Master in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy. Since 2017, he leaves this position to focus his professional development on research through biomechanical tools and specialized teaching activities. Technical Director of the Clinical Biomechanics and Physiotherapy Research Unit, his main lines of research are: Clinical Biomechanics and Physiotherapy, Instrumental Biomechanics, Sport Physiotherapy and Functional Evaluation.

Journal Publications

show 8 journal publications

Conference Papers

show 5 conference papers

Media and research dissemination

show 1 media and research dissemination

Fellowships and Awards

  • Director of prizewinning work in "Une Awards.TFM Supervisor «Propuesta de norma técnica para la gestión metrológica en el sector sanitario español » by David Palancar Martínez". Asociación Española de Normalización - UNE. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2018.
show 1 fellowships and awards