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D. Navid Nasrollahei

Current position:
Research Assistant
Association date:
RF4. P1.14
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2777


Navid completed his bachelor's studies in electrical and electronics engineering in Babol Noshirvani University of Technology in Iran. He has experiences as a renewable energy intern at Next Kraftwerke, Project Engineer and Manager at Caspian International Business Company. In 2021, he was accepted into a double degree program from EIT InnoEnergy called "Energy For Smart Cities". In this program, he studied one year at KU Leuven in Belgium and another year at KTH Royal Insitute of Technology in Sweden, and graduated from both universities in 2023. He currently holds a position as a researcher at IIT in Integrating distributed energy resources in the design of energy systems in new districts which is focused on modeling and linking electricity distribution and thermal models to later analyze the impact of distributed energy resources in multi-energy systems.

Areas of interest:

Modeling of energy distribution networks, Integration of distributed energy resources, Renewable energies, Energy regulation and policy, Energy economics.