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Ing. Pablo Centeno López
Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Electric Power Systems
Membership dates:
01/oct/2000 - 05/May/2005
Journal Publications
Egido, I., Fernández-Bernal, F., Centeno, P., Rouco, L.,
Maximum Frequency Deviation Calculation in Small Isolated Power Systems
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
. Vol. 24, nº. 4, pp. 1731 - 1738, November 2009. [Online: September 2009]
JCR: 1,938 (2009); 6,500 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 3,827 Q1 (2023)
show 1 journal publications
Modeling and parameter estimation of the speed-governing system, turbine and boiler of the unit number 4 of Jinamar power station
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Jan/2006-Jun/2006
Maximum wind power generation in Tenerife
. Carried out for
Endesa Distribución
. Apr/2005-Jun/2005
System studies due to the connection of the diesel generators 14 and 15 at Guinchos Power Station (La Palma)
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Jan/2005-Sep/2005
Model update of Mallorca-Menorca power system
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación (GESA)
. Jan/2005-Sep/2005
Modeling and stability studies of Melilla diesel power plant
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación
. Sep/2004-Dec/2004
Modeling and stability studies of Ceuta diesel power plant
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación
. Sep/2004-Dec/2004
Power system studies
. Carried out for
Endesa Italia
. Apr/2004-Dec/2004
Stability studies due to the connection of new diesel generators in Salinas power station
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Jan/2004-Aug/2004
Stability studies of the Ibiza power system
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación (GESA)
. Jan/2004-Aug/2004
Stability studies due to the connection of new diesel generators in Punta Grande power station
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Jan/2004-Aug/2004
Stability studies of the Gran Canaria power system after incorporating a combined cycle unit at Barranco power station
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Sep/2003-Sep/2003
Stability studies of the Tenerife power system after incorporating a combined cycle unit at Barranco power station
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Jul/2003-Jul/2003
Power system studies of the El Hierro island: design of the underfrequency load shedding scheme
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Jun/2003-Jun/2003
Power system studies of the La Gomera island
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Jun/2003-Jul/2003
Power system studies of the El Hierro island
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Apr/2003-May/2003
Development of the User Defined Model of the Prime Mover of the Unit 4 of the Combined Cycle Thermal Power Plant Monterrey
. Carried out for
Ibedrola Ingeniería y Consultoría
. Nov/2002-Jan/2003
Power system studies of the Mallorca-Menorca system when installing the combined-cycle station of Son Reus
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación (GESA)
. Sep/2002-Feb/2003
Power system studies of the Tenerife island when installing two gas tubines at Arona susbtation
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación-Unelco
. Jul/2002-Jul/2002
Gran Canaria Power System Studies
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación
. Dec/2001-Feb/2002
Tenerife Power System Studies
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación
. Jul/2001-Oct/2001
Study of TDE AIE industrial complex as connected to the Tarragona I combined cycle power plant
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación
. Apr/2001-Jun/2002
La Palma Power System Studies
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación
. Apr/2001-Apr/2001
Design of a Voltage Control Coordinated Strategy for Iberdrola's plants
. Carried out for
. Mar/2001-Feb/2002
Power System Studies
. Carried out for
Endesa Generación
. Jun/2000-Feb/2001
Design of a coordinated voltage strategy for Iberdrola power plants and evaluation of incurred costs in reactive power provision
. Carried out for
Iberdrola Generación
. Mar/2000-Mar/2001
show 25 projects
Conference Papers
Rodríguez, J., González, M., Diago Ruíz, J.R., Domingo, C., Egido, I., Centeno, P., Fernández-Bernal, F., Rouco, L.,
Un esquema centralizado de deslastre de cargas para pequeños sistemas aislado
9ª Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Marbella (Spain). 30 June - 02 July 2005.
Centeno, P., Egido, I., Domingo, C., Fernández-Bernal, F., Rouco, L., González, M.,
Review of gas turbine models for power system stability studies
9ª Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica
, Marbella (Spain). 30 June - 02 July 2005.
Fernández-Bernal, F., Rouco, L., Centeno, P., González, M., Alonso Díaz, M.,
Modelling of photovoltaic plants for power system dynamic studies
5th IEE Power System Management and Control Conference - PSMC 2002
, London (United Kingdom). 17-19 April 2002. In:
PSMC 2002: Conference proceedings
, ISBN: 0-85296-748-9
show 3 conference papers