Round table "Challenges of the new mobility: eConcessionaires, recharging infrastructures and road safety" Congreso & Expo 2022 Faconauto. Faconauto. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2022.
Presentation "Europe’s perspective of smart EV charging. Session 4: Smart charging infraestructure" E-Mobility Workshop. I.I.T. Bombay. Online. Feb 2022.
Conference "Electromobility in Spain: current status and future trends" 7th Annual Electric Vehicle Road Transport. Edinburgh Napier University. Online. Oct 2021.
Chair in "Round table on European environment" ¿Cómo llegar a 5 millones de vehículos eléctricos en 2030? Retos y oportunidades II. Asociación/Colegio Nacional de Ingenieros de ICAI; Fundación Caminos; y Observatorio del Vehículo Eléctrico y Movilidad Sostenible (OVEMS). Madrid (Spain). Oct 2021.
Conference "EV charging infrastructure-global experience" Transport and Climate Change Week Webinar. GIZ India; IIT-Bombay. Online. Jun 2021.
Conference "Electric mobility: trends and challenges" Presente y futuro de la movilidad eléctrica. IBM. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2021.
Chair in "Round table «Challenges of mobility for all»" Ciclo Encuentros de Innovación para la Sostenibilidad. Casa de Mexico en España; y Fundación Iberdrola España. Madrid (Spain). May 2021.
Conference "Regulatory barriers and gaps for e-mobility" Digitalization of the user-centric Energy System: the use case of electric mobility. Interconnect Project. Online. Mar 2021.
Round table "EV revolution: a power sector view on coupling with mobility" Evento online. Florence School of Regulation. Florence (Italy). Apr 2020.
Round table "Charging Up India’s Electric Vehicles – a charging infrastructure and power system perspective" FSR Global Hub Launch. Florence School of Regulation. New Delhi (India). Nov 2019.
Conference "Regulation of electricity generation distributed in Spain. Comparison with other countries" Seminario «Generación eléctrica distribuida: impactos e implementación». Fundación Naturgy. Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Oct 2019.
Presentation "Demonstration of intelligent grid technologies for renewables integration and interactive consumer participation enabling interoperable market solutions and interconnected stakeholders" First International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies - SETS 2018. Universidad de Sevilla. Seville (Spain). Sep 2018.
Conference "Future energy challenges at Comillas IIT/ICAI" IAJES Conference. Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao (Spain). Jul 2018.
Seminar "New business models enabled by smart grids technology" From intelligent energy solutions to disruptive business models. Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC); y edp distribuiÇao. Lisbon (Portugal). Jun 2018.
Conference "Electro mobility: current state and challenges" YES 2018 -Europe Europe Annual Conference. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2018.
Round table "Electro-mobility: local vs. regional policy integration?" YES 2018 -Europe Europe Annual Conference. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2018.
Conference "Integration of PV and EVs in unbalanced residential LV networks and implications for the smart grid and advanced metering infrastructure deployment" 5th Armand Peugeot Chair International Conference - Electromobility: Challenging Issues. Governance and Regulation; y Vedecom Institute. Paris (France). Dec 2017.
Workshop "Business models for large industrial electricity users and necessary policy improvements" European workshop «Enabling PV integration by delivering flexibility to the energy market». European Commission. Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sep 2017.
Presentation "Business models for activating industrial demand response" Smart Energy Summit 2017. Smart Energy Demand Coalition (SEDC); y European Copper Institute (ECI). Brussels (Belgium). Apr 2017.
Seminar "Opportunities in decentralization and integration of urban energy management" La energía como oportunidad de empleo y de creación de empresas. Fundacion Gas Natural Fenosa; Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha. Toledo (Spain). Apr 2016.
Conference "EV and distribution grids in Spain" 2nd Armand Peugeot Chair International Conference - Electromobility: Challenging Issues. Armand Peugeot Chair. Paris (France). Dec 2014.
Conference "A cost-benefit analysis of the alternatives of reduction of the «diffuse» emissions in Spain" Seminario de Gestión Ambiental. La reducción de emisiones «difusas»: alternativas energéticas. Fundación Gas Natural Fenosa. Zaragoza (Spain). Apr 2014.
Workshop "Consumption on demand in smart grids" II Workshop Smart Grids. Grupo Tecma Red. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2013.
Chair in "2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications -ICRERA 2013" Program Chair and Chairman in: «Renewable Energy Sources and Systems». Universidad Pontificia Comillas e International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER). Madrid (Spain). Oct 2013.
Round table "Smart Grids" 7th International Conference on the European Energuy Market, EEM10. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2010.
Presentation "Integración de la generación distribuida en las redes eléctricas de distribución del futuro" Generación eléctrica distribuida. Unidad Editorial. Conferencias, Formación. Madrid (Spain). May 2010.
Seminar "Discussion on cooperation, communication and availability of data" SUSPLAN-Regional Kick-Off Workshop “Energy Infrastructure Scenarios for the South-Western Region”. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2009.