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Dr. Pablo Carlos del Saz-Orozco Huang

Current position:
Visiting Professor
Association date:
RF4. P3.61
Researcher ID:



Pablo del Saz-Orozco is an Industrial Engineer, Automation and Industrial Electronics Engineer and PhD in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Malaga, he holds a Master in the Electrical Sector from the Pontificia de Comillas University, as well as an Executive MBA from Quantic School of Business and Technology.

He started his professional career in 2006 as a researcher in the Department of Systems Engineering and Automatics at the University of Malaga participating in several national and European research projects. As a result of his research experience he has co-written 10 scientific articles published in indexed journals, 6 monographic chapters and is co-inventor in 3 patents. In 2014 he started working in the robotics lab associated with FTMC (now Flanders Make) through Verotech. He later joined Axpo Iberia, where he held the position of Quantitative Analyst specialized in Energy Markets. In 2017 he joined Ryanair's artificial intelligence lab where he held the position of Senior Data Scientist developing advanced analytics models. In 2018 he joined the Enel group where he held the position of Senior Data Scientist, being his duties focused on the development of advanced analytics models. He has also been collaborating since 2017 with various universities such as Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, IE University and Universidad Europea de Madrid, among others, where he teaches courses at both undergraduate and master's level on machine learning and system modelling.

Currently, Pablo is the technical director of the modelling area at Invesyde.