Rubén Rodríguez Vilches was born in Sedaví (València, Spain) in 1997. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València in 2019.He was a research intern at CMT - Clean Mobility & Thermofluids, where he wrote his Bachelor’s Thesis on the pollutant emissions of a prototype Diesel engine in different atmospheric conditions. After that, he studied at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya for a Master’s Degree in Energy Engineering, which he finished in 2021. During this studies, he worked in several companies linked to the renewable energy sector, designing photovoltaic installations in Latin America and studying the demand-side flexibility for different industries. In 2022 he joined the Intelligent Systems Area of the Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT) as a Research Assistant to work on the European ReDREAM project.
Areas of interest:
Demand-Side Flexibility, Demand Response, Energy Markets, Renewable Technologies, Energy Storage, Energy Communities.