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Dr. Seyedamir Mansouri

Current position:
Visiting Researcher
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Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2765
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Seyed Amir Mansouri is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) of Comillas Pontifical University. He obtained his MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering in 2015 and 2020, respectively.

During a sabbatical leave in 2019, he collaborated with INESC TEC at the University of Porto, Portugal, focusing on the long-term planning of multi-carrier energy systems. In 2022, he remotely worked with the Electrical Power and Control Systems Research Group at Northumbria University on the design of intelligent IoT-enabled energy management systems.

Amir is proficient in GAMS, MATLAB, and Python, and his research interests include Smart Grids, Electricity Markets, Smart Buildings, Multi-Energy Systems, Internet-of-Things, Static and Dynamic Planning of Power Systems, Hydrogen-Based Technologies, Carbon-Neutral Energy Systems, Vehicle-to-Grid Services, Resilience Enhancement, and coupled electric-traffic networks, among others.

Since 2020, Amir has authored over 30 articles, with 19 of them as the first author, in highly-ranked international journals and conferences.

Journal Publications

show 53 journal publications