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Dra. Symone Gomes Soares Alcalá

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Area:
Association date:
RF4. P2.1
Researcher ID:
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Symone Gomes Soares Alcalá received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 2015; and her B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC-GO), Brazil, in 2009. She was a researcher at the Portuguese Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR-Coimbra, University of Coimbra, Portugal) from 2010 until 2015, working in the field of computational intelligence modeling for industrial processes. Since 2016, she is a professor at the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil. In 2024, she joined at the Cátedra of Industria Conectada of the IIT as a postdoctoral researcher.

Current research interests:

Artificial intelligence applied to industry, machine learning, forecasting, vision systems, and distributed production systems.

Journal Publications

show 18 journal publications

Conference Papers

show 13 conference papers

Fellowships and Awards

  • "CAPES Elsevier 2024 Award to the researcher with the greatest impact in Exact Sciences in the Central-West Region of Brazil". Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES); y Elsevier. Brasília (Brazil). Nov 2024.
show 1 fellowships and awards