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Dra. Teresa Freire Barceló


Current position:
Research Area:
Membership dates:
01/abr/2023 - 28/Apr/2024


Teresa Freire Barceló was born in 1993 in Madrid. She finished her degree in industrial engineering in 2015 and her Master's in industrial engineering in 2017, at Pontificia Comillas University in Madrid. In the meanwhile she did internships in two electric companies: Scottish Power (Glasgow) and Iberdrola (Madrid) . For her second year master's she went for an exchange program to The University of Wisconsin in Madison (USA) . Once she had finished her studies, she started working for Endesa, in the commercial development area (Enel X). After two years she moved to the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) where she started in September 2019. In the IIT she is doing her PhD related to demand-response, energy storage and distributed generation technologies among others as well as, participating in energy transition industry projects.

Journal Publications

show 5 journal publications

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Seminar "SADSE seminar: System planning with demand assets in balancing markets". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jan 2024.
show 1 invited conferences and seminars