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Dr. Zarrar Khan
Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Energy Economics and Regulation
Membership dates:
15/nov/2016 - 14/Nov/2017
Journal Publications
Khan, Z., Conchado, A., Linares, P., et al., ,
Emerging themes and future directions of multi-sector nexus research and implementation
Frontiers in Environmental Science
. Vol. 10, pp. 918085-1 - 918085-11, 2022. [Online: August 2022]
JCR: 4,600 Q2 (2022); 3,300 Q2 (2023) - SJR: 1,005 Q1 (2022); 0,715 Q2 (2023)
Parkinson, S. C., Krey, V., Huppmann, D., Kahil, T., McCollum, D., Fricko, O., Byers, E., Gidden, M.J., Mayor, B., Khan, Z., Raptis, C., Rao, N.D., Johnson, N., Wada, Y., et al., ,
Balancing clean water-climate change mitigation trade-offs
Environmental Research Letters
. Vol. 14, nº. 1, pp. 014009-1 - 014009-11, January 2019. [Online: January 2019]
JCR: 6,096 Q1 (2019); 5,800 Q1 (2023) - SJR: 2,675 Q1 (2019); 2,134 Q1 (2023)
Khan, Z., Linares, P., Rutten, M., Parkinson, S. C., Johnson, N., García-González, J.,
Spatial and temporal synchronization of water and energy systems: towards a single integrated optimization model for long-term resource planning
Applied Energy
. Vol. 210, pp. 499 - 517, January 2018. [Online: May 2017]
JCR: 8,426 Q1 (2018); 10,100 Q1 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2018); 2,820 Q1 (2023)
Khan, Z., Linares, P., García-González, J.,
Integrating water and energy models for policy driven applications. A review of contemporary work and recommendations for future developments
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
. Vol. 67, pp. 1123 - 1138, January 2017. [Online: October 2016]
JCR: 9,184 Q1 (2017); 16,300 Q1 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2017); 3,596 Q1 (2023)
Khan, Z., Linares, P., García-González, J.,
Adaptation to climate-induced regional water constraints in the Spanish energy sector: an integrated assessment
Energy Policy
. Vol. 97, pp. 123 - 135, October 2016. [Online: July 2016]
JCR: 4,140 Q1 (2016); 9,300 Q1 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2016); 2,388 Q1 (2023)
Parkinson, S. C., Djilali, N., Krey, V., Fricko, O., Johnson, N., Khan, Z., Sedraoui, K., Almasoud, A. H.,
Impacts of groundwater constraints on Saudi Arabia’s low-carbon electricity supply strategy
Environmental Science & Technology
. Vol. 50, nº. 4, pp. 1653 - 1662, February 2016. [Online: January 2016]
JCR: 6,198 Q1 (2016); 10,800 Q1 (2023) - SJR: Q1 (2016); 3,516 Q1 (2023)
show 6 journal publications
Impact on power generation technologies of the availability of water in climate change scenarios
. Carried out for
Fundación Canal de Isabel II
. Jun/2013-Jul/2014
show 1 projects
Ph.D. Thesis
Z. Khan (2017),
Integrating water and energy systems for long-term resource management
. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain).
show 1 Ph.D. Thesis
Conference Papers
Khan, Z., Linares, P.,
The economic impact of climate-induced regional water constraints in the Spanish energy sector
X Congreso de la Asociación Española para la Economía Energética
, Tenerife (Spain). 05-06 February 2015.
show 1 conference papers
Technical Reports
Linares, P., Khan, Z.,
Agua, energía y cambio climático. Tecnologías de generación eléctrica a partir de la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos en escenarios de cambio climático
. Project: FCanal2013. Funded by
Fundación Canal de Isabel II
. Nov/2015.
show 1 technical reports
Working Papers
Afsordegan, A., Khan, Z., Agell, N., Linares, P., Sánchez, M.,
Assessment of water-energy planning using qualitative multiple criteria decision aiding in a village of Costa Brava
, April 2017
Khan, Z.,
Parameterizing the water system for the SPATNEX-WE (Spatial and Temporal Nexus -Water Energy) model. Case study for Spain
, August 2016
Khan, Z., Linares, P., Rutten, M., Parkinson, S. C., Fricko, O., Johnson, N.,
Exploring Spain's water security options in the face of uncertain climate and energy futures. An integrated water-energy analysis
, July 2016
show 3 working papers
Fellowships and Awards
X Congreso de la Asociación Española para la Economía Energética (AEEE)
"AEEE 2015 Young Research Award"
Universidad de La Laguna
. Tenerife (Spain). Feb 2015.
show 1 fellowships and awards