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Dña. Andrea Baños Ramos

Current position:
Research Assistant
Research Area:
Association date:
SM26. P-102
Academic Report:


Andrea Baños graduated in Economics in 2022 from Carlos III University of Madrid. In 2023, she completed the Master in Economics at the same institution. Currently, she is finishing a Master’s Degree in Computational Social Sciences.

From May 2024 is predoctoral researcher at the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) of Comillas Pontifical University.


Jan-Jun 2022. Academic internship at the Bank of Spain, in the department of Structural Analysis and Microeconomic Studies, focused on the study of the Survey of Financial Competencies (SFC) 2021.

March-May 2024. Internship at Afi, in the Applied and Territorial Economics area.



- English. High-intermediate level. Certified B2 level

- French. Intermediate level


- Gimp. Advanced level

- Excel. Advanced level

- Visual Basic. Intermediate level

- Html. Intermediate level

- MSOffice. Advanced level

- Gretl Advanced level

- Stata. Advanced level

- Eviews. Advanced level

- R. Intermediate level

- Matlab. Basic level

- Prezi. Advanced level

- Canva. Advanced level

Current research interests:

Get a good data science background. Improve skills in the field of econometrics, statistical analysis and quantitative techniques.