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D. Hagos Meresa Weldu

Current position:
Research Assistant
Association date:
SM26. P-505
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2779
Researcher ID:
Academic Report:


Academically, he’s a diverse mix of disciplines that help him fit into the requirements of the job that he currently undertakes. He has a BA Degree in Management from Mekelle University, Meqhele – Tigray (2004), Master of Public Policy from KDI School of Public Policy & Management – Korea (2007), Master in Electric Power Industry from Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid – Spain (2011), and Master in Digital Economics & Network Industries from Université Paris Sud-11, Paris – France (2012).The latter are part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Economics and Management of Network Industries – sponsored by the EU.

He’s a mixture of experience working for national and international organizations in various areas including research, training, consultancy, and development cooperation for about 19 years. He has been a lecturer; Department Head (July 2004 – Nov 2012) at the Department of Management, Mekelle University, Meqhele – Tigray; Country Manager, KTCC (Nov 2012 – June 2014) at Korea Business Center at Commercial Section of the Korean Embassy, Addis Ababa – Ethiopia; Branch Manager (Sept 2014 – October 2017) at Juki Singapore PTE LTD (ETHIOPIAN BRANCH), Addis Ababa – Ethiopia; Co-founder & Project Manager (Nov 2017 – July 2020) at SEWTEX Apparels Consulting PLC, Addis Ababa – Ethiopia; Researcher, Renewable Energy (Augst 2020 – Dec 2022) at the Institute of Energy, Mekelle University, Meqhele – TIGRAY. He’s also been a certified professional management consultant (in Ethiopia since August 2014).

Currently, he is a member of the Universal Energy Access Lab, a joint research group of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT and the Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica IIT of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

Areas of interest:

Economics and regulation of the energy sector; Sustainability of the energy model; Regulatory, business and financial models for universal access to energy in developing countries.