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Dr. José Luis Sancha Gonzalo

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Visiting Researcher
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Electrical Engineer from the ICAI Higher Technical School of Engineering. Doctor of Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

He has developed his professional activity at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Red Eléctrica de España, Endesa and the Spanish Energy Club.

José Luis Sancha has maintained continuous activity as a professor at the ICAI Higher Technical School of Engineering and more recently at the Spanish Energy Club, at the Higher Institute of Energy (ISE) and at the School of Industrial Organization (EOI).

José Luis Sancha is IEEE Senior Member and CIGRE Distinguished Member.

A specialist in the Spanish electrical system, he is the author of numerous publications and a speaker at conferences and seminars. He is the author of the book "Presumes to understand (thoroughly) electricity and gas bills", 2016, Ed. Comillas.

Journal Publications

show 8 journal publications

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Chair in "Round table: Energy system reforms from the consumer's perspective". Universidad Pontificia Comillas; Asociación/Colegio Nacional de Ingenieros de ICAI; y Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2023.
  • Conference "Presentation and welcome" Jornada «La transición energética. Una oportunidad para emprender». Foro ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2023.
  • Conference "What is happening with the electricity bill?" Logistics & automation.The future of intralogistics technology. Slimstock. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Conference "What is happening with the electricity bill?" Advanced manufacturing Madrid21. CMR. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Conference "What is happening with the electricity bill?" Link. . SEJU; Asociación de Ingenieros de ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2021.
  • Conference "Secondary voltage control and pilot bus selection in electric power transmission systems" IASTED Symposium on Circuit and Systems. International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED). Zurich (Switzerland). Jul 1991.
  • Conference "Los métodos activos en la formación de los técnicos" VI Congreso de F.E.A.N.I. Comité Nacional Español de la FEANI. Barcelona (Spain). Sep 1973.
show 7 invited conferences and seminars

External Training Courses

  • Understanding the electricity bill for efficient and responsible consumption, in Mercado eléctrico y precio de la electricidad en España. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Albanchez de Mágina (Spain). Aug 2022.
show 1 external training courses

Media and research dissemination

show 45 media and research dissemination