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Dr. Mariano Ventosa Rodríguez

Current position:
Association date:
AA25. D-500
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2446
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Academic Report:


Mariano Ventosa Rodríguez holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Electric Energy Systems. He is an Associate Professor in Electric Circuits at ICAI School of Engineering of Comillas University and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT). His areas of interest include the digital transformation of the industry, as well as the application of operations research in electricity markets. He has participated in research projects concerning these subjects for electrical companies and he is also author of more than 50 publications in Journals, Conferences and Book chapters. He was a visiting scholar at Johns Hopkins University, Department of Geography Environmental Engineering, Maryland, USA in 2008. He is currently the Vice-Rector of Research and Faculty at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Co-director of the Chair of Smart Industry, and a Member of the Science and Technology Council of the Autonomous Community of Madrid.

Areas of interest:

Application of operations research in electric energy markets. Smart industry. Generative Artificial Inteligence.

Journal Publications

show 12 journal publications


show 16 projects

Conference Papers

show 36 conference papers

Books and Book Chapters

show 7 books and book chapters

International Exchanges

  • Jul - Aug 2013, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore (United States of America).
  • Jul - Aug 2009, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore (United States of America).
  • Jun - Sep 2008, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore (United States of America).
show 3 international exchanges

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Round table "University and Company" VIII Congreso Nacional de Igenieros del ICAI «Somos historia que construye futuro». Colegio de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Chair in "Entrepreneurship in the 4th Industrial Revolution". Cátedra de Industria Conectada. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2021.
  • Chair in "Encuentro abierto online: Hacer visible lo invisible". Cátedra de Industria Conectada. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2020.
  • Round table "The role of Engineering in post COVID-19 society". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2020.
  • Chair in "Panel «From theory until it impact»" Jornada sobre IIoT. Cátedra de Industria Conectada. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2017.
  • Conference "Welcome and presentation" Información de los datos. Cátedra de Industria Conectada. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2017.
  • Round table "Education in engineering after the implementation of the European Higher Education Area" Jornada de Encuentro con Directores de Recursos Humanos «Ingeniería, Talento y Empleo». Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI). Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2016.
  • Conference "Intervention in opening act" VII Congreso Nacional de Igenieros del ICAI «Valor y talento para la sociedad». Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2015.
  • Chair in "Round table «The re-industrialization of Spain»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2015.
  • Conference "Closure of the Seminar" Pobreza energética en países desarrollados: una aproximación desde la economía. Asociación Española para la Economía Energética (AEEE) y Economics for Energy. Madrid (Spain). Dec 2014.
  • Conference "Welcome" Perspectivas sobre los hidrocarburos y la sostenibilidad del refino de petróleo en Europa. Cátedra BP de Energía y Sostenibilidad de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2014.
  • Conference "Opening of the Technical Seminar" Tecnología SIN Zanja, eje estratégico para el desarrollo sostenible de las ciudades. Asociación Ibérica de Tecnología SIN Zanja; Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2014.
  • Chair in "Debate en torno al libro «Gestión integral de proyectos»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2013.
  • Chair in "2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications -ICRERA 2013" Vice Chair. Universidad Pontificia Comillas e International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER). Madrid (Spain). Oct 2013.
  • Round table "Identificar los actores privados y los itinerarios formativos que se están desarrollando para formar a los ingenieros en sus competencias" I Congreso Internacional de Formación y Movilidad en el Sector de la Ingeniería. Fundación Madrid Centro Mundial. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2013.
  • Presentation "Jornadas técnicas 2010 del Comité Nacional de España de CIGRÉ" La implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en ICAI. Comité Nacional de España de CIGRÉ. Madrid (Spain). Dec 2010.
  • Presentation "Modeling Risk Management in Oligopolistic Electricity Markets: A Benders Decomposition Approach" Meeting #2-2008 at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Atlantic Energy Group (AEG). Washington (United States of America). Sep 2008.
show 17 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

  • Organization of "Artificial intelligence and the reshaping of talent". Cátedra de Industria Conectada. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Dec 2023.
  • Organization of "14th IEEE PowerTech Conference 2021" Industry liaison chair. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES); y Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jun - Jul 2021.
show 2 organization of scientific meetings

External Training Courses

show 23 external training courses

External Relevant Positions

  • Member of the Council of Science and Technology Consejería de Ciencia, Universidades e Innovación. Comunidad de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). May 2020 - Today.
  • Member of the Working Group on Digital Transformation Círculo de Empresarios. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2017 - Today.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of VII National Congress of ICAI Engineers' «Value and talent for the society» Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2015.
  • Member of the Committee on Energy and Engineering Arbitration and Mediation Asociación Europea de Arbitraje (AEADE). Madrid (Spain). Dec 2010 - Today.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the «Anales de Mecánica y Electricidad» journal Asociación de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2006 - Today.
show 5 external relevant positions

Media and research dissemination

show 11 media and research dissemination

Other Activities

  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Wogrin, S. «Generation expansion planning in electricity markets with bilevel mathematical programming techniques»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2013.
show 1 other activities