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Project information

Academic coordination in the preparation of the study «The impact of energy poverty on the social vulnerability of the population attended by the Spanish Red Cross in the context of the inflationary crisis»

R. Barrella S. Mora J.C. Romero E. Centeno

January 2023 - December 2023

Funding entity Cruz Roja Española

The main objective of this applied research project is to analyse the different situations and dimensions of energy poverty experienced by the population assisted by the Spanish Red Cross in the context of the inflationary crisis we are experiencing in Spain and the rest of Europe.
The research and academic coordination carried out offers an analysis of the attended population based on the characteristics that are most relevant in the context of energy poverty: socio-demographic data, efficiency and housing conditions, economic, occupational and school situation of household members, risk of poverty and/or social exclusion (AROPE), objective and subjective dimensions of energy poverty, family strategies to combat energy poverty and its risks, consequences and degree of social protection.
The project is based on the coordination and cooperation of/with the parties involved for the realisation of the study with a double quantitative/qualitative approach.

Layman's summary: The main objective of this applied research project is to analyse the different situations and dimensions of energy poverty experienced by the population assisted by the Spanish Red Cross in the context of the inflationary crisis we are experiencing in Spain and the rest of Europe.