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Project information

Local flexibility market and sandbox proposal for the AD-GRHID project

T. Gómez J.P. Chaves M.A. Ruiz M. Martínez E.C. Ormeño-Mejía

February 2024 - September 2024

Funding entity Magtel Operaciones S.L.U

Participated by Electrica Villanueva de Córdoba

In the first part of the project, a cost/benefit analysis is carried out to identify the benefits derived from the provision of flexibility services by a microgrid connected to a distribution transformer and its associated costs. It also establishes the technical-economic basis of the agreement between the distributor and the microgrid manager to determine the price of the provision of those services.
In the second part of the project, a proposal for a regulatory sandbox is made to implement the local flexibility market business model, identifying the barriers and the necessary regulatory developments so that this business model can be scaled at a national level as required by European regulations.

Layman's summary: This project analyzes the technical, economic, and regulatory feasibility of a microgrid providing flexibility services to a distributor.