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Project information

Transport and policies for the transition to a low-carbon economy in Spain (PID2022-136376OB-I00)

P. Linares J.C. Romero J.P. Chaves

September 2023 - August 2027

Funding entity Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

Participated by Universidade de Vigo, Basque Centre for Climate Change, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, CIEMAT

The energy transition is one of the most important challenges facing our economies in the coming years in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (to which the energy sector contributes 60-70% globally). This transition requires moving away from fossil fuels and towards a more decarbonised, more distributed, and more consumer-centred energy system, while maintaining an affordable and reliable energy service.
Spain is one of the countries with the most ambitious targets for decarbonisation, renewable energy penetration and energy savings (European Climate Foundation, 2019), as set out in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (currently under review). Meeting these targets will require effective, efficient and equitable policies to be deployed in order to achieve them at the lowest possible cost, while ensuring the fairness of the transition. It is therefore essential to design these policies correctly, based on a rigorous assessment of similar policies and appropriate modelling of the expected effects of these policies.
The challenge is particularly complex in sectors such as transport or industry, where emission trends show little improvement, and which are additionally crucial for employment and economic growth.
In this context, the objectives of the proposal are:
- To improve the energy-economic-environmental modelling capacity for Spain, to expand the capabilities to represent the expected evolution of energy use in Spain and the potential impacts of different policies. In particular, we aim to improve the modelling of the transport sector, industry, the so-called circular economy, and of consumer decisions on energy efficiency, which are not yet sufficiently explored. We also aim to improve the representation of robust and flexible decision-making in the construction of energy scenarios. Where possible, these developments will be integrated into integrated models such as TIMES.
- Using the developed models, or other models based on micro-data, to evaluate different policy instruments for energy transition contributing to a better design and implementation. In particular, we intend to evaluate transport decarbonisation policies (both fiscal and technological), energy efficiency subsidies for households, and transport fuel poverty policies.

Grant “Evaluation of policies for energy transition” (PID2022-136376OB-I00) funded by MICIU/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF/EU.
