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Project information

Analysis of the biofidelity of the cervical spine of the PIPER human body model

F.J. López-Valdés M. Valdano General

June 2023 - March 2024

Funding entity L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A

Participated by SafeDsign

The objective of the study is to assess the biofidelity of the cervical spine of the human body model (HBM) PIPER for children around 2 years old.
The study will:
- Scale the PIPER HBM to the adequate anthropometry of the individuals with ages 2-4 years old reported in the paper by Ouyang et al. (2005)
- Isolate the head and neck of the HBM and reproduce the boundary conditions of the test setup described in the aforementioned paper.
- Compare the response of the scaled PIPER model with the experimental curves reported in the paper.
- Optimize the values of the material properties of ligaments and intervertebral discs of the HBM so that the response of the model matches the experimental results reported in Ouyang et al. (2005).

Layman's summary: Analysis of the biofidelity of the cervical spine of the PIPER human body model