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Project information

Research programme on smart grids in Madrid

A. García-Cerrada J. Zamora

October 2014 - December 2018

Funding entity Comunidad de Madrid

Participated by Universidad de Alcalá (Coordinador), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad Carlos III, Fundación IMDEA Energía

This project will look into the application of smart grid technologies in Madrid. The analysis will be spelled out as follows.
(1) Devices and infrastructure: Application of power electronics devices to improve the present infrastructure.
(2) Operation level: Power-frequency control. Integration of renewable resources in micro-grids. Optimal energy dispatch. Management of energy storage.
(3) Management level: Application of computational intelligence (CI) to the prediction of the generation from renewable sources. Implementation of CI techniques in big data platforms to model the energy consumption from data collected by smart meters and sensors deployed in the system. Investigation on variable-pricing scenarios.
(4) Decision level: Medium-term improvement of safety and service. Optimization of electricity consumption based on better activity schedules.
(5) Finally, a transversal study on the communications network for information exchange between agents and devices will be carried out, with focus on low and medium voltage networks and their problems concerning latency and bandwidth.

Project funded by Comunidad de Madrid, into Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación en Tecnologías 2013.

Project funded by European Union, into European Social Fund.