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Project information

SESSA: Sustainable Energy Specific Support Assessment

I.J. Pérez-Arriaga

April 2004 - October 2005

Funding entity Comisión Europea (DG Research)

Participated by Association pour la Recherche et le Developpement des Methodes et Processus Industriels , Handelshoegskolan i Stockholm , Deutsches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung E.V., Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Universite Catholique de Louvain , University of Hull , Samfunns - og Naeringslivsforkning AS, The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge

SESSA is a European forum on electricity reforms grouping researchers and energy stakeholders. It aims at contributing to the 2006 European review of internal energy market as decided at the Copenhagen Summit. SESSA's main objectives are:
1. To improve the existing knowledge on regulations and policies: SESSA assesses policies and identifies what are the best practices in the EU and abroad. It collects data and documents case studies on the current regulations and policies in the EU 15, in New Member States and abroad.
2. To develop and compare methodologies: SESSA provides a methodology for a European benchmarking of existing practices and performances. It defines the critical factors for European energy sustainability.
3. To make proposals for implementing best practices: SESSA delineates the key issues and recommends a timetable in reproducing best practices and harmonising national rules, behaviours and policies.
4. To gather and to facilitate interaction between high level academics and decision-makers: SESSA brings together more than 20 research teams and 40 energy stakeholders and makes them interact in defining the core issues and most relevant solutions on each detailed component of energy sustainability.