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Project information

Virtual Balkan Power Centre for advance of renewable energy sources in Western Balkans

T. Gómez J. Rivier P. Frías F. Postigo Marcos

January 2005 - December 2006

Funding entity Comisión Europea

Participated by Proyecto lidaderado por University of Ljubljana, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems/ NTUA, Istrabenz Gorenje Energetski Sistemi, Energetske Storitve D.O.O, Kema International B.V, DMS Power Engineering Group LTD, Intrade Energy LTD, Technical University of Sofia, University of Maribor, Faculty for Electrical and Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Joanneum Research forschungsgesellschaft M.B.H, Jozef Stefan Institute, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources, Universitatea , University of Tuzla, Faculty for Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, SS. Cyril and Methodius University, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Countries in the Western Balkan region have great unexploited potential of renewable energy sources (RES), which could by efficient use significantly contribute to security of supply within the region and wider. Special care has to be devoted to sound solutions for electricity supply of undeveloped and isolated regions due to war damage.
The main objectives of the VBPC are: (i) transfer of know-how in RES technology and their implementation for isolated regions, (ii) to identify main economic and legislative factors influencing investment decisions in RES including barriers and local specifics, and to identify options to improve penetration of RES, and (iii) awareness building and education on modes, means and benefits of renewable energy sources.
The work within the VBPC will be organized in 4 work packages (WP). First WP will deal with transfer of best practice and best technologies in RES for isolated regions, comprising energy transformation, distribution, operation and control, connection to the local network, energy storage and organizational as also other implementation issues. In the second WP the regulatory framework of each WB country will be analyzed to identify barriers and local specifics. This will be archived by exchange of information on establishing incentives for promotion of RES and experiences with harmonisation with EU legislation in EU, AS and WB countries.
Communication and dissemination with key focus groups (policy makers, utilities and SMEs, higher education system) will be the objective of the WP3. Fore each key focus group of actors important for RES implementation in the region a special dissemination program will be carried out comprising targeted workshops, conferences, public reports and summer schools. The fourth WP will be devoted to project management issues and to support actions and activities in the first three work packages.